Hey everyone, I helped Vicious Vice work on this map, and we both put a lot of time and effort into making it balanced but still fun and unique to play on. My contributions to the map were the man canons in between the two sniper towers, as well as several aesthetic design choices. The map is a blast to play on, and everyone who can get a team of at least 2v2 or more together to play on should check it out. Thanks to everyone who posted, and downloaded the map! Vicious and I are hard at work on the next map (which will hopefully be ready soon!) Thanks again for taking time to look at our map
To celebrate the maps 300 d/ls i decided that i will make a version 2. to simply this i have created a poll to see what needs the most work. If you've tested this map please vote so i know what to fix and specify thanks again to those who d/led.
like Iv0rY Snak3 said, you need to make some of those receiver nodes inactive. Otherwise, this is an intense map
we need more maps like this and mlg style maps. thanx. you got my download. btw if you like playing costom games i host costom games on the weekends.. not ver organized times but i it always works out. hit me up if your into that. GT: Vendetta814
I've gotten an unconfirmed report that one of the powerups on main red base can be gotten.. has this happen to anyone? I just think it some random person playing around, but i do strive for perfection so let me know if this happens.
This map is featured in The Bump List's 5-5-08 Weekly Update! Congratulations! Post in the private forums, Vicious.
Thanks for posting us on the bump list Debo, and thanks to everyone who has downloaded and commented on the map. To whoever it was that said the receiver nodes need to be deactivated, you can't use them as they are pushed too far down in the box. The nodes are strictly for color coordination purposes. clearly marking that section as green base...
Thanks man, while Vicious did most of the work forging the map, that was one of the things I tried to help him with, making the map more interesting than your standard MLG map. Initially there was just a bridge between the two sniper towers, however I thought it would make it a little more high risk and intense to have man cannons between the two towers. I still think my favorite touch to the map has to be the room where the rocket launcher spawns, another area with risk to reward factor.
Hey everyone im nearing completion of my new map. I was going to revisit this map and change a few thing in it here is a list of suggestions that i will be implementing 1. Ill be changing some of the spawn points (too many were grouped together in certain area and would cause people to spawn there all the time 2. move some spawns points further away from the wall 3. change the spawn areas abit to promote more mid field spawning 4. the bridges connected the blue to green to red base will be removed during symmetrical gametypes like Neutral bomb and CTF (thanks to Draw the Line for this idea) some people have expressed reservations on my weapon choice and placement so i would like more comments on what to change or move. Thanks again to all those who have commented and downloaded my map
I think all the changes you have listed will benefit the level greatly. The only complaint I received about the map was that people said they got spawn killed fairly frequently. I definitely think that getting more action in the center of the map will be a good thing as it seems like people stick to the outer walls. As for weapon spawns, I still don't see how these are unbalanced. It seems like the only weapons that aren't on both sides are the rocket launcher, which you have to go to an extremely deadly area of the map to get to, and the plasma pistol (which sucks any way). I guess equipment could be considered unbalanced, but these things are in the middle of the map so both teams have to fight over them!
This deserves more recognition. One of the better, more original MLG-style maps around. Unique layout combined with the trademark metronome mancannons make this map a must have. Can't wait for your Cyclopean-esque map you're workin on! Looks badass already
wow, i was just reading through all the comments, thinking to myself, this was posted over a month ago, and this looks badass, though, there aren't enough downloads/replies/ratings ..... this in general did not get enough recognition, i feel rather bad =(