YouTube - Call of Duty Black Ops Multiplayer Teaser Trailer [HD]‎ So here it is, the Black Ops teaser trailer. TBH, it didn't surprise or impress me half as much as it should have at all. Thoughts?
As I was watching the trailer, there was something that confused me. Why is this game so simular to Modern Warfare 2. I swear to god if someone says "No its not, Its Treyarch". Just Please Shut up. The first thing I noticed was the idea of the Care package. Why, Why, WHY! That idea was totally stolen by Infinity Ward. The RC Looks like something they came up with after seeing Gear of War 3's Beast Mode (Ticker). I can't really blame them on the 2nd one. OKay moving on. There is something very simular to the predator missle when the guy gets killed and falls. Plus again when the RC comes into play. Not sure. But it does look very simular. Plus, Why is there even a Knife Gun/Launcher. I thought running around knifing people was a *****, but this takes it far more F**k up. Seriously, Why is Treyarch trying to be like Infinity Ward. Just go back into making amazing and fun Multiplayer like in World At War. Finally, Something Treyarch (Unlike Infinity Ward) noticed was to take what Halo 3 had into there game. I thank them for that. Now when I rape a noob, Im able to record and show. Now people can see your awesome no-scopes. Thanks Treyarch. I would just like to note something. I think there just trying to be infinity ward with there multiplayer. I know for a fact theres more than 3 Killstreaks. Take a look again. RC Vehcile (3), Care Package (4), Predator or Missle (5) Airstrike (?). There is more, but there not releasing anymore until September. Sadly, disapointed to see its multiplayer like this. To be honest I love Treyarch more than Infinity Ward. (Not anymore than Bungie). I think this is exsactly how i planned this game. A Solo Campaign, MW2 Multiplayer and Zombies as a Bonus Mode. Not hard to figure out Treyarch. In the end, Im buying Black Ops.
Every Call of Duty is like this. A few new features, better graphics, and even worse gameplay. If they don't have ****(Russian?) Zombies I defininitely won't be getting this any time near the release date.
Seriously, Why is Treyarch trying to be like Infinity Ward. I don't think they're trying to be like infinity ward, but when your using the same game engine and you have a very tight time scale to operate and get the game out within, they have to take lots of things from MW2, and likewise with WaW and CoD4. Just go back into making amazing and fun Multiplayer like in World At War. WaW was not amazing (at least IMO), especially when you take a look at CoD4. In WaW they did a re-skin of CoD4 and changed a few minimal things, a new Solo Campaign and **** Zombies. (When you look at what IW did with the time they had in MW2, they actually did a better job than what Trey. had done with theirs, it's a shame they didn't take more time to fix the floors it has). To be perfectly honest, i wont be getting this game if it's the least bit like MW2 (which by the look of this, it is), even if it has all the Russian zombies and RCC in the world.
Glad to see Treyarch isn't doing **** to fix the series. I wouldn't be surprised if they left Sleight of Hand Pro and Deathstreaks in considering they felt to need to leave the ****ing Care Package in.
You can't forget OneManArmy pro, and scavenger. I'm going to do my original plan, rent it for campaign, and give multiplayer a spin. I don't see the need to buy it however; with Reach coming out before this.
i just realized something. So, they say that they removed Commando. Yet they added a knife that you can ****ing shoot? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of removing Commando in the first place?
Ehhh The game sounds better, looks just more polished. I see a few new weapons, a new kill streak screen, and some other minor things. Looks alright. I guess I'll get it for Christmas then.
Yeah but £45 for a more Polished game? Is that really where you want your money going? Agreed with scobra.
Am I the only one getting a James Bond feel from this trailer with remote controlled cars, security cameras and shooting knifes?
Far as I know, MW2 is copying every COD game. They had a good 2 years and what? Nothing New. The Camera is old, I seen it from tons of games "SplinterCell", "PerfectDark", "Quantum of Solice" I can go on. What Im meaning by "go back to COD:WAW Multiplayer" Is that I found the game, whats that word that Infinity Ward doesn't know, Oh yes FAIR! When you were sniping or running around, You didn't have to go "PLEASE DON"T GET ME" when a Predator Missle came over top of you. I would think after JD's Idea of Listening to the community for Killstreaks would give them some new and improved versions of Killstreaks. Besides when in Veitnam did you see predator missles or care packages. Exsactly! Besides in an Interview they said "We talked to alot of Veitnam war veterans and I think we know what weapons and intel they used mostly. We really wanted it to be as accurate as possiable and add some twists to make the players have a better experience of Veitnam." Then why add MW2 Killstreaks. What next? A Nuke? An AC-130? or better yet EMP! Treyarch needs to get some better ideas for killstreaks. Weapons I can live with, Killstreaks makes me want to not buy this game. add dogs, those were ignorant but at least you can kill them! Unlike Preds. Please Treyarch FIX! I might go with your idea with getting at Christmas. That way I don't have to pay! Nice Idea!
aren't we all forgetting that the beta will give us something "funnish" and "kinda new" to do until reach comes out?
Thanks, I'm going to be canceling my pre-order on this now... I forgot how much I didn't like Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer and was just hoping Black Ops would be different but I guess not... All in all, I'll just rent it from work, beat the campaign, play a little multiplayer and then return it so then I can say I played it and make it looks like I know my games. :/