I feel like its time to move on and chose a new gamertag, but I need something better than TheHatofWin first. Any ideas? I don't want anything gaming related (Mastar chief, No scopes, skillz) and I don't want anything with a bunch of numbers. I want something original. Any ideas?
just put in a gamertag you know for sure is taken, and then just pick one of the many random ones it generates for you.
Something along the lines of.. a kitty a cop a prostitute a ghost _______ stuck you. You were beat down by _______. You sniped _______.
All of the above. But seriously, and I'm going to yell... MAKE UP YOUR OWN ****ING MIND. We are NOT you. You are you.
If you're really this undecided on an online alias, a random word, or better yet, a random name generator would be better than asking people who obviously won't take it seriously.
Just keep hitting next page or w/e, you end up with something ala CrucialCashew, or WeediestMilk, or TwinklyPlatapus.
- TehDoctor - Dee - X14 - Suk yur bludz Well those are for if you cant think of something. And seriously, how many threads are out there like these.. it should really be "suggestions for names because Im a lazy ***** who cant think of something on my own" Lol just keeeding, but really.. Just change to suggestions for a Gamertag.