Foundry Omega Complex

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by x7he 5ilent 0ne, Aug 9, 2010.

  1. x7he 5ilent 0ne

    x7he 5ilent 0ne Forerunner

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    Map Title: Omega Complex
    An abandoned factory used as gang turf before the UNSC reclaimed it. It currently serves as a training facility. 4-12 players

    Download Omega Complex

    A symmetrical map designed for team gametypes such as CTF and Assault. It is set up to work with all gametypes. This map was built to exploit the use of vehicles, particularly the mongoose. There are two per team.


    Each base is built the same, making it so no team has a distinct advantage. Bunkers also sit at the forefront of each base, allowing players to give covering/suppressive fire.


    Right outside the two bases sits a neutral machinegun turret. Players can either leave it mounted and take down enemies in the middle of the map or rip it off and use it against the opposing team.


    Just below that lies a grenade deathtrap, easy to get caught in at the beginning of a game.


    This centerpiece acts as a ramp for mongoose drivers. It will also be an oddball and neutral bomb spawn.


    Way at the back of the map, towards the far wall lies a structure of fence boxes and crates. Here lies the rocket launcher and trip mine.


    On the side walls, outside each base is a walkway. On the top, behind the barriers is a needler and a bubble shield. Below lies dual plasma rifles and a pair of plasma grenades.


    This area leads to the all familiar sniper rifle.


    This map supports every preset gametype designed by Bungie. A list of equipment and weapons is below.

    Battle Rifle - 4
    Carbine - 2
    Shotgun - 2
    Brute Shot - 2
    Sniper Rifle - 2
    Plasma Rifle - 4
    Needler - 2
    Spiker Rifle - 2
    SMG - 2
    Rocket Launcher - 1

    Bubble Shield - 2
    Regenerator - 2
    Power Drain - 1
    Trip Mine - 1
    Frag Grenade - 4
    Plasma Grenade - 4
    Spike Grenade - 4

    If you didn't see any of the weapons or equipment mentioned in the images above, do some exploring before playing with your friends to get a good feel of the map (and maybe a big advantage).

    This map is open in the middle, but provides some easy cover from heavy weapons in the bases and on the sides. Use to your advantage.
    The large shield doors underneath each bridge have a large opening, throw some grenades in to take out that annoying camper.
    I suck at spawn placement, but as recommended by Bungie, I placed 16 respawns at each base and at least 8 outside. If you get spawn killed, feel free to blame me.
    Almost every location has at least two routes of access. The ones that do not are the bunkers and the windowed rooms at each base.
    There are some rooms that no one generally goes into, these might hide special equipment or weapons. Explore the space!

    I recommend that you play the map with at least a party of four before giving your two-cents to the thread, just saying.

    And with that, I give this map to the Forge Hub community. Have fun with it guys. ;)
    #1 x7he 5ilent 0ne, Aug 9, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010
  2. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
    Senior Member

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  3. x7he 5ilent 0ne

    x7he 5ilent 0ne Forerunner

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    I've read it, five times. Besides, this is only a first post, over time people get better. I just need some practice really, but thanks for the advice.
  4. BurnNSky

    BurnNSky Forerunner

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    Looks pretty smooth considering there's no merging, but it's a bit too simple and open. The only cover in the middle has fusion coils around it. Try adding a few more structures to make the map more complex.
  5. ShugHeed

    ShugHeed Forerunner

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    This looks very enjoyable but is far to open and not enough structures in the middle part of the map but is really clean, try remaking it with a spot of merging and some structures so you wont get ripped up by the HMG. i will give it a download and see how it handles with the recommended gametypes

  6. x7he 5ilent 0ne

    x7he 5ilent 0ne Forerunner

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    I'm not trying to justify the map or anything, but the center was made to be open. The space was built around the mongoose. If I had too many objects clustered in the middle, the mongoose wouldn't handle naturally.

    The man cannons on the sides of the bases launch players out to the sniper rifle. There are ways to get your favorite gun and still live.

    I tested it in five different gametypes with a party of twelve. A good majority of the players said it played like High Ground's beach near the middle of the map. Yes, open ground does get you killed.

    (Oh, and the bunker firing positions are merged into the map, I just didn't get an angle to show it for everyone)
  7. AwfulDarkJedi

    AwfulDarkJedi Forerunner

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    Looks like it would be a fun map, but I think it would be kind of difficult to play on because there isn't much cover, and where there is cover, there is fusion coils around it. Try putting more structures in it and I'm sure it would be a very fun map.

    Edit: I understand that it was built to be open, to exploit the mongeese, but there are only two per team, and some people might not want to use them. So more structures would be nice.
    #7 AwfulDarkJedi, Aug 15, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2010
  8. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    I Like the look of the map...but its too open, yes Ive read your post explaining why.
    The mongoose...mongooses are very versatile machines they can Maneuver quickly and they dont need an open plain try adding some destructible cover around the map that way it can become open as the map progresses.

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