My computer converted and edited 52 gigs of HD video for this. It's a champ. My first real attempt with portrait art. I think the colored hair made it look a little unrealistic, but that's kay because the whole character is based off of a comic book anywhoozle. YouTube - Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Ramona Flowers) Speed Drawing‎
I like how it turned out. I would show the base picture at the end as well for comparison, especially if you lengthen the videos to show more of the process.
Eh truth be told I figured like 90% of people who watched it would skip to the end for the final result. If it was shortened to 2 minutes I thought more folks would last the duration of the drawing, but I guess that's a little counter productive considering the people that wouldn't skip to the end would rather see the process in more detail. And showing the original next to the final product is like standing next to a person that's prettier than you just to give everyone in the room a sense of perspective.
We have a pretty similar style of colored pencil work! I am drawing Megan Fox in colored pencil right now and we do the hair the same way. I'll have to show you once I am finished. But I really enjoyed your speed drawing. You are very good at creating depth in your facial features. Great work!
it's pretty obvious that your hands weren't moving that fast. I've done quite a few video edits in my day and that's obviously sped up. ..anyways i really like the turn out. the face looked sorta weird but after looking at an actual picture it was actually just her.
You beat me to it^ (epic avatar) How did you do the hair so well? you were just drawing on blank and it turned out into a full set a hair.
You's trollin' right? Ha yeah, hair's pretty easy since it's pretty much random in real life. As long as you keep the shading right it'll look fine even if you deviate from the right proportions.
I can see this possibly going bad... let's just leave it at Just Defy should have read the OP before saying that, but no harm done, right? Anywho, Felipe, you're one hell of an artist. I wish I had even the tiniest bit of your ability. Are you planning on doing anything with this, or is drawing something strictly for fun?
Yeah, I think it'll stay a hobby. I'm going to college here in just a bit to study film rather than visual arts.
Ignore a certain somebody. We all know he does not know. Man, you draw with colored pencils like I do with an HB. Really wish I had my scanner working to show off my fancy skills. Anyhow, beautiful work. Reminds me of a certain post that a certain someone posted, but then deleted. I think it went along the lines of: No need to bring that back up Fraggy. - rst Ask permission next time you touch my stuff RST. I have a license to be an asshole. I'm sure telling me it's wrong, and asking to edit it out of my post would be much appreciated. Otherwise I'd rather get banned.
That's amazing! But what was the actual time span of the drawing? It looked like you either skipped to next morning, or turned on some more lighting. Anyways, AMAZING!
Usually I don't like watching through an entire speed drawing/painting video (I just skip to the end to be honest) but for some reason I enjoyed this one. I like it. lawl