Will this still be in effect in Reach? Like you can only have 100 maps, gametypes, or videos? I remember this being VERY annoying.
No, in Reach, you can have up to 1000 of each different type of custom content. So 1000 maps, 1000 gametypes, 1000 screenshots, 1000 film clips.
Yeah what he said ^. I'm pretty sure they said at the Comic-Con panel. Just search for it on youtube. Its going to be freakin insane! It will take an hour just to scroll down to get to what your trying to play
I think it was said before comic-con actually. It was in one of the weekly updates. I will have a look for it.
Sauce? This is great news, if it's true. One THOUSAND forge maps, on your hard drive... And a Halo 3 map variant takes up 56.5KB. Even if they're 1MB in size each, that's only 1GB on your HDD when you have all of them.
It's wonderful to know... I sorta spent last night going through all my Halo 3 gametypes and maps and I realy didn't want to get rid of any of them... and it's annoying because I am at 98 items. So is it (mostly) confirmed it's 1000 of each type of save? or just overall a combined 1000 of every gametype/map/screenshot/ect. (Not that I think I will EVER get over 1000 of anything ever....)
YAY - And where Halo 3 had a limit of 100 custom content items, in Reach you’ll be able to have THOUSANDS of custom content items! THANKS B3NW
I am pretty sure they announced it somewhere else too. I don't know where though, but this is gunna be great.
You get 1000 of each. Play nice. And it was in a video Pre-beta, like ages ago. I think it might be ViDoc 1?
Halo Reach at Comic-Con Part 3 Go to 11:00. Someone asks your question to bungie, and Sketch says you can have 1000 of each file type.
OMG just when I'm satisfied with what Bungie releases they go ahead and show me something like that. I'm glad I'm glad that I'm not going to have delete great maps for slightly better ones. I <3 you Bungie.
YES! Now I won't have to delete my awesome aesthetic maps for maps that I probably won't play once in my entire life!
now for the real discussion, how long do you think it will take to hit 1000 maps? i give it 4 years, 6 years if im being picky.
Lol, took me 1 year to get to 100 custom content, and that was counting Gametypes, Screenshots, Videos, AND Maps. 1000 of EACH TYPE will take me about 10 years. Think that's long enough until Bungie finishes their next series, so they might go back to Halo?
*hangs head in shame* I hate saying this but three months after I got Halo 3 I had a full loadout. !00 games and 24 other items on my fileshare. SO still 1000 is like... kinda unfesable right now to me... let alone 1000 of each type. *@ the video OMG flashing lights! I can make a city map with actual flashing lights on the tower tops! Squee like a little girl time.
Agreed. Even separate 100 item limits for films, maps and gametypes respectively would have done wonders for me compared to H3. The main backlog I built up was films and clips, having to spring clean my map selection only came indirectly from the global limit leaving me with around 25-30 slots for maps/gametypes combined, most of which went on the MLG variants. 1000 for each basically means no limit for me, and it should be great for people like montage editors as well as forgers. Even using the whole H3 global limit of 100 solely for films, I can see that not being enough for a long and complex montage, not to mention being able to have clips for multiple side by side projects on one profile. I think the community really surprised Bungie with their uptake of custom content, films, screens and forge included. It's good to see a limit extension like this which basically leaves you open to do as much as you want. Sadly I think this is overly hopeful, Bungie seem really excited about being able to work on their own IP and you can hardly blame them. Still, we can hope.