Sandbox Qwerty

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by tuEgg, Aug 8, 2010.

  1. tuEgg

    tuEgg Forerunner

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    Good morning to everyone,

    My name is tuEgg and make call of duty videos and post them on the.. oh wait wrong forum.


    My name is tuEgg and I have been a Halo 3 forger for the past 2 and a half years, I have had quite a bit of experience with forging techniques but my knowledge of forge is still fairly limited. The maps I make can vary from fat kid infection maps to circular motion free-for-all maps, to small competitive 2v2 maps.

    Since the release of the Forge World ViDoc i've been playing Halo 3 quite a bit more, and I must have spent 50+ hours in forge. I just wanted to get back into forge and get making some maps, as I hadn't played Halo 3 much since the release of Modern Warfare 2.

    So, today I present to you a map that took my around 12 hours to make, it's the first solid map i've made in the past 2 months, however, it's only been tested very lightly. So please excuse me if it's not great to play on :(

    The map is called, Qwerty, as you can tell, the most originally named map evaaaar. NOT. 12 hours of forging with my friends in the same game for half of it, spawning banshees and trying to create a seperate map down in the crypt... didn't go down well. But i still prevailed and I hope you guys enjoy my map. It's meant for anywhere between 2 and 6 players i'd say, it supports slayer and capture the flag. It's the first time i've ever tried using spawn areas and placing spawn points well.

    But without further ado, here is the map <3






    Download Link

    Weapon List:

    6x Battle Rifle - 60 Second Respawn, 2 Extra Clips
    1x Assault Rifle - 30 Second Respawn, 2 Extra Clips
    2x Magnums - 30 Second Respawn, 2 Extra Clips
    1x Sniper Rifle - 120 Second Respawn, 1 Extra Clip
    1x Rocket Launcher - 120 Second Respawn, 0 Extra Clips
    1x Mauler - 30 Second Respawn, 1 Extra Clip
    4x Frag Grenades - 10 Second Respawn
    4x Plasma Grenades - 10 Second Respawn
    1x Overshields - 180 Second Respawn
    1x Power Drain - 60 Second Respawn
    1x Regenerator - 60 Second Respawn

    Please leave harsh but fair comments, that I can use to improve my forge.

    Peace out <3
    #1 tuEgg, Aug 8, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  2. Hobbes

    Hobbes Forerunner

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    Thanks for resizing those images.

    I downloaded but it's too late right now to test it.

    I'll try tomorrow morning.

    Anyways. The map looks well forged and i see good merging. The only problem I see here in the pictures is the large column thing curving into the sky is not smooth on the bottom, but I guess no one's going to be walkin' upside down on it! I can't wait to try capture the flag on it! So I'll get to it tomorrow and give you lots more feedback.
    #2 Hobbes, Aug 8, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  3. Russell5115

    Russell5115 Forerunner

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    Well forged, 3 and a half stars.

    From the pictures I can see the map is quite well forged. But in my current haste I am not able to download your map to test it. So what I have done is carefully looked over the pictures, and gave the best rating I could. I will return soon to download and thoroughly review your creation.

    3.5 stars
    (Off of pictures)
  4. AARC Forgers

    AARC Forgers Forerunner

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    looks awesome. only beef i have with it is you should delete the weapon holder under the OS it is unneeded. ive DL and will test monday. ill get back to you then. plus can you drop us a weapon list
  5. A JohnDeere Man

    A JohnDeere Man Forerunner

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    Look's cool. Lots of vertical and close quarters, both of which I'm a big fan of.
    After a quick lookover, I'm saying 7/10. As you said (and I found), this map was not thoroughly playtested. The corner tower was difficult to get into, and the spawn in the building was at a disadvantage, being farther from the rocket. I would recommend you make the large structure on the building spawn side able to be crouch-jumped on to. And put the sniper upon the platform at the top of the corner tower. All in all a cool map that is almost to it's potential. Way to have the patience for Forge 1.0!!!
    #5 A JohnDeere Man, Aug 8, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2010
  6. Hobbes

    Hobbes Forerunner

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    I played this with a few friends and we played some good 'ol CTF.

    It was a little hard to move around and I found that it was all mostly open area. I couldn't get a great hiding spot until I finally just stayed in the red room and assassinated anyone going through the door. I'm not the best at sniping so the tower was no good to me, although I tried to get in, I kept getting stickied as I kept trying to get to the top. The ground was a little hard to walk on and the tunnels were a lot of help if I had the flag as I could hide in there and kill anyone coming from either sides. It was fun but not the funnest. I would usually play this game on a rainy day or if I ran out of maps to play. I give it an 8 out of 10.

    Happy Forging!
  7. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Unofficial Review Hub Review

    Qwerty Review:


    Qwerty is just another map placed on the skybubble's grid with a lack of direction or design. Few routes cripple the creation in terms of coordinating any sort of flank or teamwork effort, and in the event your team has the better guns, you'll find yourself going directly to where the dead will be rising, creating some very frustrating circumstances for the opposing members. One of the games I played with was a simple 3v3 slayer game, which after looking at the photos posted, I can honestly say I don't know what I was thinking. The 2v2 games afterward still seemed like it scrunched players uncomfortably. In the future keep in mind that the more routes the better, try to keep each area of the map accessible via at least two routes, three preferred though.

    ~Enjoyment Rating: 2/10


    With Qwerty's current layout, players generally rushed the center (being that is the only option) had a small clash, possibly leaving one player alive, and the process would start over. Having as many power weapons and grenades on a map of this size is a terrible decision as well, players are perfectly capable of grabbing the overshield and rockets with ease, creating one massively annoying Juggernaut until his newly obtained reign over the playing field wears off. Four frags and four plasmas on this sized map also create for epic quantities of grenade spam, two of each would have sufficed. Think of ways to implement the Risk versus Reward system into your map, have players take a risk to get the power weapons so they're rewarded when they do so, rather than simply handing them over.

    ~Balance Rating: 3/10


    There doesn't appear to be ways to "break" the map, however, the spawn system and a few other factors weigh into this category as well. Knowing where players are undoubtedly going to spawn is a very bad thing, when I'm killed or I fall off the edge, the last thing I want to do is spawn with the opposing team ready to blast me right back to the respawn screen, and unfortunately, this happens pretty often with your current spawn set-up. And while we're speaking of spawns, as a general rule of thumb, don't have spawns facing an object or off a ledge, those are the kind of spawns that get my headset chattering with comments such as "What kind of spawn was that?" On another note, your lift in the corner doesn't really serve a purpose at all either, I took a minute during the game to try to get where it was taking me, but it never actually succeeded, I was simply put back on the ground.

    ~Durability Rating: 3/10


    You don't really seem to have gone out of your way to make players go "wow" upon loading the map, interlocking is apparent, but at the same time a decent amount of pieces were simply slapped down without any aesthetic regard. One area of your flooring especially needs to have been paid closer attention to, as it literally needs to be jumped over to get to the other side. Whether or not this was intentional, I do not know, but I'd hope you don't want a random little obstacle in the midst of this already chaotic playing field. The only thing I see that you've done to add an aesthetic touch is the gold column structure curving upward out of the map, and even that could easily have been done better.

    ~Aesthetic Rating: 3/10


    This map reminds me of many maps we've all seen before; based in the skybubble, few varying levels to play on, poorly thought out, and little regard to detail. I'm sorry to be so harsh, but it's the honest truth, nothing stands out to me in terms of originality.

    ~Originality Rating: 2/10


    Anyone has potential to create well playing maps, and if you really strive, if you crack down and put the thought, effort, and time into your creation, you can create well playing maps also. Some key things to focus on:
    • Map design
    • Player movement and flow
    • Spawns
    • Weapon placement
    Originality and aesthetics are not as necessary to create a well playing map, however, with anything else, they can only add to the overall enjoyment and recognition a map will receive. And while, in my opinion, you need to work on these areas as well, if you are primarily looking to create well playing maps you should first focus on the list I've highlighted above.

    Enjoyment: 2/10
    Balance: 3/10
    Durability: 3/10
    Aesthetics: 3/10
    Originality: 2/10
    Overall Rating: 2.6/10
  8. tuEgg

    tuEgg Forerunner

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    Thanks a lot man, that was a brilliant review and I couldn'nt have asked for more. The advice you gave me was superb, and I will be sure to keep that in mind for when I make my next maps. I'm glad you got to play it, and i'm glad that you didn't like it. You've helped fill some of the holes in my forging career, and as you can see i'm only a mere rookie.

    Thanks again,

  9. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My pleasure! Down the road I'll definitely check out any creations you have. :)

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