UNSC HEADQUARTERS V2 Yes, I'm back and with a whole new map to define the awesomeness of Slayer Pro. If you didnt know, me and my friends all play Slayer Pro all day and its always a fun time. Equally matched, long-ranged, short-ranged, frag chucking, beatdown, assassination, shotguning fun is all you'll find in Slayer Pro. this map is all about its gametype. yes: Slayer Pro, of course. As you could've guessed, this game is for pro gamers and can also be good for teaching the newbies how to swim in hardcore-gaming. you have to be fast, you have to be agile, you have to be accurate. THE GAMETYPE so this gametype is not for: 1. people who suck with the BR 2. people who can't kill without jumping everywhere like a fricken monkey 3. people who can't dodge a frag grenade 4. people who can't get headshots if you are any one of these types of gamers, then you will most likely be a sore loser and not like this game. Even if you are one of these, you can train yourself not to be, and hone in on your core skills. It will make normal slayer seem like a cakewalk. You will dominate! What is Slayer Pro like? Slayer Pro is complete warefare. your health is low and your gun and 'nades deal realistic damage. There is no spawn-killing however, so watch out for those who just spawned. Download Slayer Pro now ATTRIBUTES low health moderate damage modifier fast speed heavy gravity BR/SMG start 25 meter standard radar 3 sec. invulnerability at spawn THE HEADQUARTERS The first rendition of UNSC HQ was a little bumpy, consisted of not a lot of room other than a lot of floors, and was constantly filled with "elevator camping" which was basically just: camping behind a teleporter, that were used as elevators by the way, and assassinating anyone coming up or down through that teleporter. This new HQ has eliminated elevator camping by making elevators consist of 2 teleporters. More on that later. now lets get to them 'shots! FOYER the foyer view going long ways. The Foyer of the HQ is a long stretch of ground and plenty of crouch-cover. Just crouch and your safe, as long as someone fast on their feet doesn't come around and shoot you, or 'nade you. Another view of the cover of the foyer area. The sheild doors represent fancy fountains but are too close to the wall to act as cover so don't be fooled. The elevators are to the left of where this screenshot is. And so the decisions begin. just kidding, there are no big decisions. In gameplay, just run into the middle of the 2 teleporters to go to one of the 2 random elevator teleporters in the main area of the map. But if you have to know, the right teleporter leads to the blue area and the left one leads to the red teleporter. the color names are only there because they are the first color you see when you go through the teleporter The Blue Teleporter. So when you go through the elevator, theres a chance you'll either end up here... ...or here: the Red Teleporter. Now, the blue and red Teleporters are in the same room, but this still prevents a single person from camping both Teleporters... its just impossible. the view of the floor where the Red and Blue Teleporters are on. that table, pictured, there has a sniper rifle with a spare clip. this rifle is an instant kill to your foes no matter where you hit 'em. This gun respawns at 90 seconds after being all used up. So be accurate and no-scope 'em good out there This is the balcony that you can go out on, on the same floor as the sniper and teleporters. That rocket launcher only has 2 rockets and respawns at 90 seconds. If you're going to take it, use it wisely and try not to commit suicide shooting it to close. Remember: this is realistic. Would you shoot a rocket any more than 10 feet of you in real life? No you wouldn't The stairs leading to the next floor we were just at. Behind that cover wall lies a Brute Shot, or as some call it: The Best Gun. It doesn't have spares but deals either a 2-hit body-shot kill or an instand headshot kill. Even if you don't hit the person, the explosion still hurts them so shoot again to get that 2-shot kill you've been wanting to accomplish with the brute shot since you knew it existed something new my first HQ didnt have: a second balcony. Now, its easy to identify from the previous balcony because of its many entrances. Also, if you're observant, the last balcony on Floor 1 had a wedge sticking out so that you could jump off the balcony in this pic, and go down and land on the first pictured balcony. it can be an easy get-away or maybe even a cool way to cut someone off whos running from you that took the stairs the upside-down quarter wall leads back to the stairs by the brute shot. There is a little room to the left of this picture that has some cover. But the stairs pictured here lead to the roof. My first HQ map had a teleporter to the roof, now its just stairs. So no more roof-camping! the roof. its a lotttt different. its got corners, cover, and even a ramp to get even higher! There are also planks leading to other small rooftops. and no, you CANNOT drive the hornet in this gametype its just for aesthetics. There is a splaser by the hornet and a flamethrower on the rooftop closest to the camera. you can also drop down to the balcony on floor 2 from the roof. There is also, as you can see, a little opening into the building by where the hornet is. you can make a safe jump into the building or out to the hornet. and from there, theres that plank to the roof. CLOSING AND LINKS even as it may appear, the speed of the players decreases those little bumps in the map that you may think may be annoying. as it turns out, there were no problems with the bumps, not even at normal speed. so the "bumps" are not an issue. they've been tested time and time again and never resulted in hindering gameplay. DOWNLOAD HEADQUARTERS V2 DOWNLOAD SLAYER PRO so tell me what you think of the map or gamemode. if you think the game wouldnt be fun or wouldnt be fair, then watch this video of the game in action and you'll see how much fun it is. Even if you die, you gotta get up and go get revenge Slayer Pro in action
I really dig this. I like how you created a map based on your custom gametype to focus on gameplay. I would recommend spending more time merging for your next project, however. It's a pain in the ass, but tightening up any loose ends can really add to a map's appeal and get more people to download it. That being said, this looks like it could be a lot of fun. I'll check it out with some friends and give some more feedback. I do have one question- how did you center the different levels? The first floor is in the crypt and everything else is in the skybox. Is the radar accurate?
the radar doesnt spot people in the foyer (crypt) when you're on the main leveled parts (skybox) but if it did, people would know what elevator people would be coming up and the elevator camping would go on. So when you're in the foyer, everything on your radar is whats in the room. and same thing for the main levels. I'd really love to get more comments and downloads. If you havent tried it yet, i can tell you that pretty much everyone I know loves playing