Um, this is the fourth racetrack. I'm hoping it's good. It has some tricky curves and a small jump. Enjoy! Download: : Halo 3 File Details
Hola. Well, just ta let you know, you need pictures and a bit more of a description. Yes, it's a requirement on this website, but it's also for your own good. Believe me, nobody's gonna download a map without being able to see it for themselves. Good luck.
4 posts in a row. really dude. you have to post pictures. you need to learn how to post. 4 in a row makes you look like an idiot. use photobucket!
Dude, you're an idiot you're just raising your post count, you're not helping him at all, he's new here, and so obviously he may not now how to "Use Photobucket!!!111!1!1" Here's a useful quote from Loscocco.