Well i couldn't decide to post here or in videos but i decided to post here as my video is a bit more graphic/creative than something you would share around. YouTube - eMBRACE // Edit‎ It is just a preview and an opener to my channel. Can you give it a watch and pelase subscribe. Ill be posting a lot more abstracty stuff. YES i kno i spelt subscribe wrong and the text isnt tracked yet.
11-14 seconds should have been a completely different shot than the one prior in my opinion. It slows the whole thing down having a shot here that is the same for about 7 seconds. It's good that your syncing cuts with the musical score, so perhaps just cut after that orange flare to a completely new shot to cover the 11-14 second part. Also i'm not a fan of the black lines to divide shots. Have you tried it without one at all? I can't imagine it looking as bad. If you really want to improve it i'd try and double the amount of shots you had in here. Your cutting way too infrequently to constitute professinal high quality video in my opinion.
Thanx for the advice. I do agree when i go back and watch that longer shot it feels 'awkward' how long it goes for. I just randomly shot this, but i am thinking i might do this for my assignment in photography so itll be all planned out. Ill check it out with no lines, or even 1px lines tomorrow.