[floatleft] [/floatleft] Life is unmoving; it is hard and brutal. You cannot live alone, you cannot live slow, and you cannot live weak. Never surrender and never look back. Feel deep inside, stay away from truth and reason to find it, that single unmoving power that will slowly cure all pain in your soul, that pit of dogma that shall pull you back out of life and once more into love. It hurts more than it heals, burns you and leaves you broken and discarded, dark and confused, but still gives you a glimpse at perfection. Fluid, round, firm, controlling, heartbreaking motion is samsara. Pure intention juxtaposed. Live life lividly and maybe you will walk out with nothing but the scar of humanity. -Decoded by IDave the Rave & CombatGam3r Samsara Map Thread [floatleft] [/floatleft] Sacra Torre, a monument to our accomplishments as the individual, and all of the men and women who have brought upon us their visions of perfection. A cornerstone of the Ego, and the true proving ground for two, to prove that no matter how good the whole may be the single will always triumph alone. Do not make the mistake of coming here with a friend; the very air breeds animosity such as you’ve never tasted before. Be ready and willing to bleed, often and fatally. Be prepared for the ultimate test of your skill, and your skill alone. Enter, the Proving Grounds. -Not Decoded Sacra Torre Map Thread [floatleft] [/floatleft] Mind, Spirit, Body, Soul, Courage, this word means it all. The ancient Romans have many beautiful, massive architectual feets that will possibly never be repeated, so many vicious victories in war as well. And in memory of this, Anima is the perfect recreation of the past, the historic monuments to truly competitive gameplay such as Onslaught and Midship. You will feel the sweat drip down your back, and collect within the beautiful stains on the walls, adding even more to the omniscent and oppresive visuals, leaving you speachless, and dead. -Decoded by IDave the Rave [floatleft] [/floatleft] Quintessential biochemical romance fuels the fiery passion that burns within the great, and tempered over time, they shall rise to the height of their fathers before them. Schizophrenic paranoid liars and adrenaline inspired heretics cloud them in mystery and mystique but they will not stop the truth from breaking through; the gods are very real. They are very powerful. And they are very, very angry. You will be touched by the sparks of insanity then slowly burned to ash by the flames of fury. Because that is how the fates decree the existence of man. -Decoded by iiHeCtic [floatleft] [/floatleft][floatright] [/floatright] 2584-21-17711-21-13-21-2584-377-89-610-17711-2-89-610-8-35-35-2584-377-2584-17711-2-17711-377-89-610-121393-35-21-8-75025-89-144-233-144-89-121393-35-13-8-377-8-13-75025-121393-610-121393-233-8-21-89-35-144-6765-233-121393-13-8-21-17711-2-233-2584-13-144-35-144-10946-28657-8-144-21-21-8-75025-1597-17711-46368-13-2584-144-89-17711-35-2584-233-46368-144-377-89-121393-35-121393-75025-2584-610-2584-21-5-17711-35-21-8-13-2584-121393-2584-233-89-121393-35-13-8-377-35-17711-21-35-2584-13-8-21-VISIONS-89-17711-35-377-144-5-17711-144-46368-144-233-13-2584-233-8-144-17711-2-8-377-75025-35-121393-21-8-377-144-21-8-8-21-610-144-46368-8-21-8-13-5-144-2-10946-610-144-21-8-13-5-2584-21-8-377-377-121393-89-21-121393-35-46368-2584-233-121393-0233-8-233-55-8-121393-377-89-35-144-4181-121393-21-2584-21-75025-17711-17711-233-89-121393-35-13-8-377-8-13-17711-21-13-28657-8-144-21-8-233-121393-,233-8-233-55-8-121393-377-89-35-144-4181-121393-5-17711-5-144-21-610-8-28657-2584-144-610-8-28657-2584-8-21-121393-5-17711-233-121393-13-8-21-8-13-13-17711-233-17711-144-8-13-5-144-21-17711-21-121393-21-1-377-377-17711-13-35-2584-46368-121393-610-5-17711-610-21-1-377-377-17711-13-35-2584-46368-121393-610-55-8-144-28657-5-144-21-4181-121393-5-17711-233-8-233-55-8-121393-377-610-8-28657-2584-144-610-8-28657-2584-8-21-55-8-2584-21-89-2584-121393-377-121393-377-144-2584-21-21-2584-5-144-21-17711-21-610-121393-21-46368-2584-5-2584-144-121393-21-1-377-377-17711-13-35-2584-46368-121393-610-6765-121393-377-17711-13-1-89-17711-2584-21-17711-35-144-21-1-377-377-17711-13-35-2584-46368-121393-610-5-17711-35-144-21-2584-5-144-21-13-35-2584-75025-8-144-5-2584-46368-2584-21-610-8-28657-144-VISIONS-89-35-144-121393-233-121393-21-1-377-377-17711-13-35-2584-46368-121393-610-5-17711-233-121393-13-8-21-5-144-21-17711-35-144-2584-233-89-121393-35-8-377-89-17711-35-2584-233-6765-17711-233-21-121393-28657-377-2584-35-121393-13-2584-144-28657-2584-377-2584-28657-2584-8-377-144-10946-610-121393-1-144-8-13-377-144-21-4181-121393-5-17711-10946-8-233-28657-2584-13-8-21-46368-4181-121393-233-6765-17711-28657-28657-17711-46368-17711-21-21-2584-144-5-144-21-2584-233-144-89-21-2584-233-46368-144-233-28657-2584-13-8-21-21-8-75025-89-144-233-144-377-144-21-233-8-233-55-8-121393-377-17711-2-21-2584-21-13-144-2584-28657-17711-377-17711-121393-28657-17711-377-2584-28657-17711-377-0 "What if the most fundemental code for life, that everything was created upon, was backwords?"
Hmm..... the text alignments are all off now. Its not too bad though and i think i fixed most of it. The maps will be out soon Irony, very soon, so dont worry On a side note, all of that is some code of some sort. Its basically a game to see if you can decode it before we post the map and reveal the answer to you.
Ha, I already decoded it! You guys are so bad at creating mysteries and maps =P If someone manages to decode it, the last paragrah might be interesting
Am I supposed to decode this somehow? Because if I am, I'll never know what it says (Unless my comp is screwing with me; it shows numbers and weird words.........)
Well the third one is: Spoiler Mind, Spirit, Body, Soul, Courage, this word means it all. The ancient Romans have many beautiful, massive architectual feets that will possibly never be repeated, so many vicious victories in war as well. And in memory of this, Anima is the perfect recreation of the past, the historic monuments to truly competitive gameplay such as Onslaught and Midship. You will feel the sweat drip down your back, and collect within the beautiful stains on the walls, adding even more to the omniscent and oppresive visuals, leaving you speachless, and dead. And I think that to get the second description you have to: Spoiler Put the spaces in the correct places, I think this because of Sacr atorre, but then you also have to translate it to English, google translator says that it is Italian, and so far all I've got is: Sacred tower a monument to our success as the ilsin goloetut t iis Ingoli man inied onne c heh opor ann tat ion osudi us theit face of a stone m iliare egoelaterr Ave rap rovap er duepe RDI MOSTR ar Eche onyms exist quant obe neilt por ta ut to puòe sse reilsin goals osaràsem Pretre ionfares ol nonf AREL error of ivenireq uiconu nam icultural iamoltor az Zeani IMO less on co ty ave temaias ggia topr know you and im asi atepron isp hosts ASA nguinar and soe often fataly s pr IATE onti perl since last I ap av Rova of strategic or bi abi ra l en Ael avost litàdas ol viol or authority ave
The second one is Italian, with the words jumbled up. I tried to re-arrange it as best I could. This is what I came up with: Sacra torre un monumento ai nostri successi come il singolo e tuttii singoli uomini e donne che hanno portato sudi noi la loro visione una pietra miliare della ego e la terra vera prova per due per dimostrare che non importa quanto bene il tutto può essere il singolo sarà sempre trionfare solo non fare l'errore divenire qui con un amico l'aria molto razz e animosità come non avete mai assaggiato prima siate pronti e disposti a sanguinare spesso e fataly siate pronti per l ult I a prova della vostra abilità e la vostra abilità da solo invio la verità The last bit still seems wrong to me from "spesso e fataly". The Google Translate translation's pretty naff, but it sums it up alright: Sacred tower a monument to our success as an individual and all individual men and women who made us sweat a cornerstone of their vision of self and the earth for two real test to show that no matter how well everything can be the single will be always triumph not only make the mistake to become a friend here with the air and many breeds animosity as you have never tasted before you are ready and willing to bleed often and be prepared for since last fataly The proof of your abilities and your skills by sending only the truth There are some phrases which I know are absolutely correct, but I reckon it's an odd word or two which isn't correct. I'll have another look at it after I get some rest when it isn't 3 am :L
Google is very nice, but do you know how easy it is to disguise one code as another that makes perfect sense? Im not saying you are right or wrong, im just saying think about it. And can someone at least try the last one? Its an incredible mathmatical code, but if you know me at all then it will make total sense. And yes LRMAN you are supposed to decode it!
So i take it this guy is a Jesus forger? (sorry im pretty inactive on these forums until a week ago.) Because if not why struggle to figure this out.
No hes just a pretty well known member. I think though that if anyone posted something this intriguing it would still attract a lot of attention.
next time send something like this through pm... Also its the new reach 'splatter spree' medal. Hectic... I know. Also Yoyo and LD I cannot work out any of your codes.