Now, I have a feeling that a topic like this may be more suited to the 'Reach Discussion' thread, I hope it does it does not have to be moved. As you may know, a succesful "Loop Da Loop" is not possible in halo 3. What are your thoughts on the physics in Reach. Do you think it would be possible to go upside-down in a mongoose while driving? I know for a fact that racetracks are going to be amazing in reach anyway, but this was something I started to think about, and it would be interesting to see what peoples thoughts are. If doing a loop is ruled out, what other interesting things do you think could be implemented into reach racetracks?
With the new non-bouncy shield doors and cannon manz(and uther teknawlujee,) this may be very possible. If there are enough non-bouncy shield doors and teknawlujee that is... =(
I thought you could do a loop in Halo 3. I am certain that you can, I took one apart. It was made using Double Blocks, then a man cannon, followed by floating walls. This was so the mongoose wouldn't fly directly into the wall.
Yes, but cetrifugal force physics were not in halo 3, which made it impossible without mancannons. We will have to just wait and see.
While I think I know what you're saying. What I mean is that the physics in halo 3 won't allow you to drive upside-down. A loop da loop has been made, but it basically throws you around in a circle and spits you out at the end
Yeah centrifugal force. Like when you put water in a bucket and spin it around upside down it says in because its being forced into the bucket. thats centrifugal force. That would require alot of force most likely a very downhill drop and then a quick loop when max speed is achieved and if you pull it off you might get some credit for a technique that will be severely used
Regarding the video poster... Thats with the assistance of man cannons. im talking straight up speed and physics, which i dont think is possible with the current physic engine.
It wasnt possible to make a "true" loop in halo 3 because the engine did not have centrifugal force along with g-forces so no matter what the mongoose's traction was determined by the angle in relation to the ground, not to its momentum which would act as gravity causing the mongoose to maintain traction. In other words the mongoose couldn't drive on inclines steeper than a certain slope or else it would just fall.
I kind of doubt the physics in Reach will be that good. If they are than I got a hell of a lot of ideas ; ) We can only hope...
Centrifugal force is just a byproduct of accelerating in a constantly changing direction like in a circle. The only problem in halo 3 was the mongoose was too slow to generate the nessecary force. The speed increase in reach should make it possible. Vehicle teleporters ahould allow gravitational acceleration sufficent to do a loop in reach if all else fails