help please

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by fraser, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. fraser

    fraser Forerunner

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    hello forgehub this is my first thread so dont write any abuse please.
    so iv been wanting to make a sick ass house in sandbox and i havnt had any luck it just kept going wrong but with some help i think i could make a awsome house,so if you are kind enough to help me you would get most of the credit.
  2. j0llyfish

    j0llyfish Ancient

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    Well which part of your house isn't working out for you? Do you need help forging parts of it or are you having trouble planning it out? I can possibly help you on XBL, but PM me on FH first if you would like, I'm on here more than my xbox : )

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