As we know, Halo: Reach will be the only other Halo with forging abilities. With all the successful mini-games, infection maps, competitive maps, and every other type of map in Halo 3, what's going to stop someone from forging a successful Halo 3 map in Reach and calling it their own?
There is nothing too stop someone. If it happens and it was a succesful map in halo 3 then people will definately pick up on it.
By simply starting off their post in the right way, they could still call it their own and it would be okay. Or they could mention the person in the description. Either way, it would help to ask the permission of the original map creator first, and then say in the post that you had obtained permission from the original map creator.
to be honest, nobody cares. the original creators would make it themselves for reach i they wanted it in their, and if theirs was the best version it would become the most popular. I understand some people may however get angry at this, but there's really nothing you can do, so it''s best to just relax and watch the crappy remakes roll in, while your original recieves high praise
If I make something like someone elses it will be by accident because it's probably a good idea to begin with. However it will have my own brand of .... I'd say unique-ness... But is that a word? but I'd do it my way. Which is better, so of course they will seem the same. because I do it better. And they all want to be like me. For all i know I could be them trying to be me and having killed me and then I became me not them and they may try and do the same as me and become me.... Hrm.
on another note, if someone needs to steal someones idea then chances are they are rubbish at forge so the map wont get any cred anyway
who cares. FH maps are all i care about, and you will get ratted out if you try remaking an FH map and posting it in FH. just like how someone can dl other peoples maps and call it their own. it happens, but whatcha gonna do? patent an aesthetic feature?
I think we'll be too caught up in new awesome maps to care about old remade ones. Plus if the original creator really cared they could just report it.
/+=>< I think we may be too caught up in creating new wonderful maps to worry about old maps being recreated. Additionally, if the creator cared enough about their map being remade, they would either be proud that they attracted a nub or could just report to a moderator.><=+\ ^^^MY POST^^^ I added an aesthetic piece to prove it.
If they remake a popular map and put it on ForgeHub, they will get so much **** from us. But I'm sure many maps will be called original and make them famous. Not much you can really do about it. Luckily, I don't think people can just add a grenade to your Halo: Reach map and call it new anymore.
what i always did on foundry was go into the chains and put my name in weapons. i put my name in weapons by the skull in sandbox. but since there is a canvas for each map on the disc, i think they will say the multiple creators of the map down the line. it only makes sense. they might recreate it though.
In the event someone was to remake one of my maps without my permission, I would just remake it 100 times better than theirs. The only people I believe would try to pull a stunt like that would be people uncommon with Forgehub, thus stereotypes say less experienced, i.e. sub-par remake.
I'm pretty sure Bungie has the rights to any sort of content created, so if someone did recreate a map from H3, there's nothing anyone can do about it. It's Bungie's map, not the forger's.
I honestly think that something that was pretty popular in H3, if exactly remade, would be almost sub-par. Reach maps are going to be way better, so something that got featured in H3 might not really get noticed in reach. I look at it kinda like the switch from pre-ghostmerge to the ghostmerging era
I'm so sorry, but... HOW STUPID IS THIS. We aren't going to all of a sudden forgot about halo 3 and all of the mini games in it. If its successful then it's well known. People's brains aren't going to melt when they start forge and completely forget about Halo 3. We aren't stupid. We remember. You can't make cat and mouse in Reach and call it your original idea. that would be JUST like making cat and mouse on sand box and calling it your idea. This thread is saying the SAME EXACT thing as this. As we know, Halo 3 is the only Halo with forging abilities. With all the successful mini-games, infection maps, competitive maps, and every other type of map in Halo 3, what's going to stop someone from forging a successful Halo 3 map in Halo 3 and calling it their own? (flame mode off)
Farcry. Bungeh should make the system like Farcry 2. It had an original Maker, then if you saved it = name below the creator... Although... That would get in the way of a co-forged map.....
I don't think too many people really care about who created the map they're playing on. I've never asked who the lighting guy was, or who the texture guy was, or who made all the 3D models or painted the scenic backdrop. So, I've certainly never wondered who designed a forge map I was playing on unless the person was in the game or on my friend's list. Only communities of forgers like Forge Hub really care about this kind of "credit" thing, and so I doubt anyone is going to feel like stealing a map from someone else and calling it their own, mostly because this forge thief won't get any sort of praise because the vast majority of people really don't care. On the other hand, if this thief went ahead and posted the map as their own to some forum and got a bunch of credit and praise for it, then the original creator should probably step in and try to clear things up. This whole subject isn't really something that should make you paranoid, though, because there are way more valuable things you could worry about people stealing and claiming as their own than a Halo: Reach forge map.
Why? If you take someones map then call it yours someone will know you stole it. If I make a map I just want my name (or my name and the person I co forged it with.) I don't want the name of the person who made the canvas, but now we don't need a canvas because bungie included it. We don't need all this name crap.