I don't get the point of releasing all those on one topic. Why not separately? And yeah I have to agree that the avalanche one looks pretty sloppy
I found when testing, The Lobby and Solitary were the most fun. And The Attic was also very chaotic as well. It seems that dark fire is the most enticing, as it has the most dls. Here's the maps in order of most to least amount of downloads Dark Fire - 49 Solitary - 32 The Attic - 29 The Lobby - 27 Frosted Tips - 24 Fort - 22 I guess fort can be made quite easily but Fort is tacktical at first, before you open the doors.
so many great maps in one place!!! Going to explode!! even though i know the room in ghost town and its tiny i mean so small one three people could proably fill it up so how can you play in it? also last resort seams a little empty.
when linubidix very first showed me these maps i was like, how boring. but when i played it, it was actually really fun. its very fast paced and very un-predictable.
That's the point, the ghost town one is absolutely chaotic with 3 or more, 1v1 and it can be killionaire spawn kills. The last resort one isnt that empty, there's weapons scattered around, and its smart not to hang around too much in the central area because of fusion coils. They may seem small but they provide great gameplay. In my opinion they play best in this order, (the first three are very close) Solitary The Attic The Lobby Fort Dark Fire Frosted Tips
Okay now here's the maps in order of most to least amount of downloads. Dark Fire - 54 Solitary - 40 The Attic - 35 The Lobby - 30 Frosted Tips - 29 Fort - 24 Dark fire is still in the lead.
I plan on posting a sequel to this. The Fuster Cluck Map Pack Vol.2 or maybe something else. It probs wont be as many maps though. I've made another on Ghost Town and planned a couple on Avalanche.
linu, u know you're not suppose to double post right? let alone triple post? i'm sure you know that....
I do know better. I guess I had a momentary lapse. And for that I apologize. Also, what do think of the name, "the intensity simplified map pack" as the sequel to the fuster cluck.
The Intensity is a video i have of project X lololol but ya, it sounds good, as long as the gameplay provides "intensity"
Now that I think about it, its more insanity than it is intensity. "Insanity Simplified Map Pack" sounds alright. If I cant think of anything, it'll be "the Fuster Cluck Map Pack Vol.2"
Wow. Six maps. How long did it take you to make all of them? Most of them look nice, except for the one in the ceiling of Rat's Nest. I HATE that place. But that's just a matter of opinion.