It's been a long time since I've been on this site and posted anything, so Hi everyone! Now that's out of the way, I noticed no one took note of what maps have already been remade with Forge World, and if your like me you wanted to know! So far all the one's I've seen in the Forge vidoc are as follows: Lockout Wizard/Warlock Sanctuary Blood Gulch/Coagulation Ascension If anyone's seen anymore please post em up! I'd like to assume that since they remade Blood Gulch that perhaps just maybe a Battle Creek remake is hiding in there somewhere? Either way I can't wait to play these remakes!
even without an actual battle creek remake by bungie, the community has been vying to complete a great battle creek remake ever since foundry has been released, so i'm sure one will be made in halo reach . even better with the new pistol!
Yeah thats damn true^ But if you ask me. Nothing feels the same compared to the real thing (thats what she said?)
I think bungie set it up for B Creek. I mean the water in the center of gulch just begs to be rocked off then bases built.
You forgot a couple of halo ce styled maps they remade on the island, i forget which ones though. There is like perhaps 2 or 3 ce/pc maps that they remade, also i think 1 h2 vista but im not sure. Man h2 vista maps were epic, but then again you couldn't beat the old pc halo 1 maps.
I want to see an Infinity remake. That is my all-time favorite Halo map, and I barely ever got to play it. Also, am I the only one who doesn't care for the Ascension remake? I realize they can't really make the center rotate using Forge, but why didn't they just redo it as its own map?
I personally dont mind about the spinning centre, it added nothing to gameplay so theres no real reason to miss it.
Tower of Power was the most pointless and frustrating game in Halo 2. If I never play a similar game again I will die happy.
I think that every map in Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo ODST will be remade within three months of release.
I'm gonna make Nondual play tower of power every night with Equipment AA's scattered throughout the map.
I think I saw a screenshot of a remake of Hang 'em High in one of the Bungie Weekly Updates. Also, I loved Tower of Power.
and within 3 years they will be playable. and never will all of them be as good as some of our remakes, like the hang em high remake. i feel like a map will never be as good on a remake.but in H3s forge everything had to be clunky, rectangular, and very precise. hopefully with our new tools we can have more complex structures, hills, round stuff, etc.
For Battle Creek, the central rock ramp can be made out of those potato-shaped rocks and phased to make it seemless. I bet that by the second month after Reach's release, every single Halo map will be remade. And definitely by six months, the remakes will be in near perfect shape.
SADFACE!! I will just take those games to go grab myself a water or food. My level of animosity for that gametype is off the charts.
I have plans to remake Last Resort/Zanzibar and High Ground. Zanzibar won't be to difficult, High Ground will be a bit of a challenge due to the sloped geometry. Hopefully we can forge up on Mount Forge because then I will probably be able to find a suitable sloped patch for High Ground.
@Noxiw: Still things could be much worse, natural disasters, on the evening news. I would love to see a good Creek remake.