Hey, so my friend and I are working on a video that will be posted on machinima's youtube (by the way, that's over 1.2 million subscribers)! We need someone who can make scenery that goes along with our clips. You will have an honorable mention in the video. Please contact ExplicitIzLegit or SimplyJesus (all one word) on xbox live and be ready to show a piece of your work. - Thanks, Explicit
we need somemore stuff to entice us i.e what is the machinima about what scenery are you wanting that sort of thing
The machinima is kind of like Halo-Robot Chicken, so there's plenty of skits. Examples are like an x-games with kill balls at the jump and a UFO for elites to walk out of. Stuff like that. Just be creative.
Am I to assume you are a Machinima directer? And as for a Halo-Robot Chicken.... meh. I wouldn't watch it...
No, because our friend Killpie is sponsored by machinima and will be posting the video. And if you have a negative comment you don't need to say it. The only ways you won't find it humorous are if you don't play halo, or if you don't have enough fun with the game and take it 100% serious.
If your not going to take criticism over a video then you have no business making one. I don't think a Halo-Robot Chicken would be that funny. If your not going to be mature enough to take that, Machinima will eat you. -Robot Chicken isn't that funny -This is very later considering Reach being released in a few weeks. -Your not even making your own scenery, that's lazy. On a positive note -Your making videos.
Lol what the machinima people will do is hit the red x button at the top right, there will be thousands of comments...but it's still views. You don't have to think robot chicken is funny to think Halo-Robot chicken is (The Halo part makes a big difference.) I'm not making my own scenery because 1. I have a lot to do with the skits and I want this out before Reach. 2. I'm not an amazing forger. And I also asked for people to help forge, not "criticize" my post.