Yeah, Christmas is in Summer for us. So we have our larger breaks over December/January. But I'm doing University part time, one night a week, so I pretty much do whatever whenever.
I never found school to really be difficult, Its really all about how much time your willing to put into homework. So you have to balance how much time you can play games and having to do your homework. But eventually you can become a pro and learn how to do your homework the period before it's due, and you'll learn what teachers will let stuff slide. Like I had an English teacher and 4th quarter I did basically nothing. I had a 38 in the class, handed everything in the last day and got it to a 88. Good enough for me.
wow,high school is so confusing,need like three binders and seven notebook,and Im ot even sure how many folders. (that may have been SLIGHTLY exagerated)
Just don't be a ****up like me and spend all day on xbox, then when It's taken put a broken one where it was and keep playing while hiding it. Do your homework, kiss your teachers asses(this helped me in spanish, and physics.) and don't fail.
Teachers always tell you that you need more than you actually need. I've made it through high school so far with a single binder. Just shove homework into a single part, keeping the most recent stuff on top, and dumping it at the end of the first semester. Works just fine. The best advice I can give to someone is just time management. By this, I mean don't do hardly any homework at home. My classes run 48 minutes each, and literally about 24 minutes of every class is wasted on either doing nothing, reviewing something you most likely already know, the teacher rambling, and a bunch of other useless activities. I literally did not do a single piece of homework outside of school last year. Projects are most likely a different story for most people, but the school gave us netbooks and we could print out stuff in the library during lunch or even a passing period. Really take advantages of this during classes you are good at or have intelligent friends in. My first two classes never had any homework (track and multimedia), and math, which is my strongest subject, was my third period. While the teacher taught the lesson for that day, I'd work on homework for other classes, because I knew very well that I could teach myself the material in about half the time and my friends could always help as well.
i have to say,its not been so bad,If its relevant at all,I,along with 12 others are on the paper staff,so i basically have a free first period.
It doesn't matter that the numbers are larger in maths. Seriously. What matters is the complexity of the question. So many times I come across an extraordinarily difficult question and the answer is something ridiculous like one or two. Just find people who are smart and good at subjects, sit next to them and don't be afraid to ask questions.
The best advice i can give you is to get involved with clubs and sports, and take advanced classes (AP in America) ..... Colleges absolutely love to see a diverse student that has been in 2 clubs and or 2 sports for all four years. The work will be easy for the most part but i've been addicted to videogames during school before and it does hurt your grade significantly. The best thing to do is get as much done during school as possible that way you can go home and chill. ( advanced classes are a differnt story ) Hope this helps
Well im in year 11 in Australia and im finding it pretty easy, all you really have to do is focus that bit more.
Solve for the absolute value of x. |5x + 11| > 46 5x + 11 > 46 | 5x + 11 < -46 5x > 35 | 5x < - 57 ---------------------------- x > 7 x < -57/5 I like math, oh I'm in Algebra 2, hence, I'm a Freshman put in a classroom with only Seniors and Juniors. 3.14159265358979238462643383279502884197169399 No, I'm not a nerd, I memorized this in my Geometry class in 8th grade under 10 minutes due to being bored during a test. But really, as a Freshman myself, High School is pretty easy so far, just pay attention, do your homework and study and you'll be fine.