Sandbox Highway To Hell 2.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by MattV01, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. MattV01

    MattV01 Forerunner

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    Finally, after a month of exhausting forging, it is complete.
    Some areas in this track are similar to the original Highway To Hell, but not entirely. I added some more double-wide areas, I added some aesthetics, and I made the course even more impossible to cheat on!!

    The gametype used in this is "RACETRACKS," which is supplied at the end of the post, along with the map link.

    Now that we're all through that, it's time to discuss the Honor Rules.

    1. If you fall off your mongoose, get right back on and continue the race. If this is not possible, walk back to the beginning and get another one. If that is not possible, you can either walk to the end and hop into a teleporter, jump off the edge to your doom, or you can wait for another person to drive by and get on the back of there mongoose.

    2. Do not cheat and walk the course. Let me remind you that it is impossible to finish the course by walking. You will find a surprise if you attempt it. (he he he)

    3. If you fall off and die, don't go crazy and smash a second story window, dive out it, run to Bungie headquarters (BH) with a loaded shotgun, and scream, "GET THE F*** ON THE GROUND OR I'LL BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!! I MEAN IT!!!" Which leads to you going to the Head Bungie Guy (HBG) and yell at him, "GIVE ME FREE RECON AND A FLAMING HELMET AND BAN EVERYBODY FROM THE MAP, 'HIGHWAY TO HELL 2.0,' FOREVER!!" I mean, c'mon man, it's just a game.

    Now that we're done the topic of Honor Rules, it's time to get onto the pics.

    An overview of "Highway To Hell 2.0"

    The mongoose spawn area

    The down ramp and the banked turn

    This is the "Circular Turn Of Even More Doom!!"

    The first ramp

    Tricky part after the first ramp (part of it is broken, so be careful)

    This is the "Dragon Spine" turn (without kill ball)

    The "Sky U-Turn"

    Tricky Wall T part

    The Final U-Turn

    The Bat Head that you drive through after The Final U-Turn

    The hill for the point


    I hope you like my map as much as I do. Don't forget to download it and give it a try!!

    Special Thanks To:

    HarisSales1996 - Tester
    CameronV16 - Tester
    Taelor (doesn't have an xbox live account) - Tester
    Panther2323 - Tester
    fusedtripledare - Tester
    mochasun - Bat Head Idea

    Very Special Thanks To:

    Death Yoyo - Stopped a Flame War in it's tracks in the comments of this map's V1
    Bungie - For making Halo 3
    Microsoft - For making the Xbox 360
    Bill Gates - For inventing the internet
    For Making Me Laugh ^_^

    Download Links

    Highway To Hell 2.0 (HTH 2.0)


    Until next time map searchers,

    #1 MattV01, Aug 6, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2010
  2. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    WOW huge improvements from the v1. This map is awsome! The pit of doom thingy is godly. Im sorry I couldn't help you man i was real busy, but your on the right track! Amazing dude!
  3. MattV01

    MattV01 Forerunner

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    Thanks for the awesome comments everybody. It's nice when you here good stuff about things you made.
  4. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, I see you definitely took listened to some of my advice (Good riddance to the Mongoose spawn boxes), but at the same time you seemed to have ignored most of it. The awkward bump before the first turn is still there (Although it's gotten noticeably smaller), and the single-wide tunnel entrance is still around. Also, some parts of the track seem to be single-wide in areas where it would not be good for gameplay. Overall, I think this is a huge improvement over the original, but there's still a few blotches here and there. Are we going to see a V3 anytime soon? Cheers, HarisSales.
  5. Jo351

    Jo351 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is how an update should be done, you fixed the smoothness, the tricky parts now look like a challenge instead of sloppy forging, and it makes it look very nice. Congratz!

    I am looking at the pictures trying to find something wrong...failing horribly. I guess my only complaint is...I am not of fan of racetracks, which is my problem.

    Map: 8/10
    Smoothness: 8.5/10
    Gameplay: N/A No D/L not a fan of racetracks and my storage is valuable to me, sorry.
    Overall: 8.5/10

    Great job keep forging!

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