Alright, I'm making a Race track on Halo 3 Sandbox. I want to know how to make the mongoose hit the mancannon and do a backflip.. every time i try it it fails. I googled it, Youtubed it, Nothing... Hoping someone here would help. :3
Well this could technically go in the forge discussion because thats what its about but: Forward flips are straight forward: - Make an incline heading downwards. Make sure doesnt go past 30 degrees. - Place a small bump (or not, test it a bit) along the edge of this incline. Make the bump cause the players to flip forward but not get stopped by the bump. - Allow room for the flip then continue the incline further down, but at a steeper angle. Should work. Backflip: Try using multiple man cannons as different angles pointing upwards. I saw it in a 'blame stosh' video in a bungie update with a tank, but it should be the same. I cant find the update it was in but I know it was withing the last 5. Hope this helps.
You can also try placing a gravity lift pointing 45 degrees to the left or right of a man cannon, while the man cannon is pointing forward... something like that.
You can initiate the beginning of a backflip by making a ramp and at the lip adding the tip of a shield door. and I mean, barely visible. Maybe you can use a mancannon then to add more rotation. I played a map on rats nest where you could do a flip perfectly every time. It was a race map. Try searching for it.
Well i figured how to make one but it required 5 man cannons and 1 grav lift, but it just go straight up not forward like in this map: YouTube - Halo 3 Racetrack "iBackflip"‎