Ruptured: Weapons: 2 SMGs 2 PRs 2 Magnums 2 spikers 2 BRs 2 Carbines 1 shotty(1 spare clip 60 respawn) 1 sniper(2 spare clips 90 sec respawn) 1 Brute shot(1 spare clip) 4 frags 2 spikes 4 stickys(20 sec) OS AC both 120 sec Needler Bubble shield Power drain Tripmine. Supported gametypes: All except infection. Assault not recomended. Description: A smallish, steep map designed for 1 sided games, FFA and Hill. The defenders start in a small room with a shotty and a trip mine, with a shaft to the left used to get up, but with a little bit of skill you can get down it. The attackers start next to a truck in a large room with a quick direct(deadly) route to defenders, and a longer route to the mancannon shaft but with more cover, the defenders can still shoot you from the top via fences but limits their weapon choices. Pics: Minimap: Overview: Defenders base(shotgun on wall): Attackers base: Route to man cannon(from attackers base): Mancannon lift(under is OS): Carbine spawn(next to mancannon): I hope you enjoy it. Anny bugs please PM me, recommended 2-10 players. Thank you to Ivory snake for helping a bit and Penguinish for testing.
Wahoo ... your first full map (this obviously excludes the other one you posted on Rats Nest). First off, i'm gonna say i really like how it looks. Theres a nice neatness to things (just from the pictures, obviously) and your elevator shaft is cool and the gang. I will say, however that it looks mighty small. But thats more than likely from the fact that theres not loads of pictures. I can kinda see lots of different areas, but no way to join them cohesively in my mind. Also, your post could do with some better layout ... Like begin with your Map Title, followed by the download link and a good description (maybe with a couple of pictures). Then add your weapons/equipment/supported gametypes. Followed finally by your pictures of in-game action. I will most definitely download this and have a look at it in forge ... i'll get back to you with further comments. Edit ... i was going to download this ... but there isn't a link
Looks clean, looks farely balanced. I think it'll be worth a DL and forge through. IF you beat me to it send me an invite if you host a party on it.
Yea sorry guys, but Ivory was pressuring me to post it. It is quite small but not too small, ill edit my post soon aswell. The reason for no action shots is because I lost the games between me, Ivory and Penguinish.
good use of interlocking and I'm liking the shaft and the steep walk note: in pic 2 it looks like you hit a bump comming up the slope with extreme bib bob
Oh OK. I thought it looked big, but maybe the lift and the base are in the same room. I thought they were separate.
breakable right where you put the windows and interlocked a door on the bottom i can put a video up on my fileshare if you want, theres an easy fix too, a simple wall will do the trick. just message me or see me ingame GT: White D3vil 911