Rumble PitThis is a very good map for slayer, MLG and FFA gametypes. Its got a lot of the good features a battle needs. Its symmetric on each side so no matter where you are you will always have a decent weapon or cover from enemy fire. This is my first battle map I posted so I hope you like it. Pictures Br TowerSniper TowerBunkerBunker 2Turret 1Turret 2Turret 3Turret 4 Kick some ass and have fun. Download here : Halo 3 File Details
can't say I'm a fan of foundry one bit. All I can tell you is that the craftsmanship is clean. It is a relatively small map with most spawns being on the ground. All you really have to do is post up and wait for the respawns. "Turret" and "MLG" shouldn't even ever be in the same sentence. At these distances it is easy to dominated the whole yard with it. It is a good idea to post a weapon list along with your map description. I would advise to put half or most of your spawns up on the second level. Once you placed your spawns change teams a bunch ot times to see what a player would see when they spawn in game. If you spawn with a turret 2 feet from your face reconsider moving it again. (Corners are a good idea). Rumble Pit is pretty much and appropriate name for this map because that is basically what goes down.
Hey man, great map. I mean it obviously doesn't look like you just put a bunch of boxes,spawn points, and equipment together against a wall, called it a map and then had phony pride in yourself after completing such a thing. Spectacular job, looking forward to more fantastic maps from you in the future. Verily, I am glad that you are individualistic and original with your map design unlike most others. 3.5/10 Nice geo-merging as well.
th merging does look clean so thats a good start. might try to get rid of some of those invincible spots. Try testing out this map with some friends and see wht happens if u spawn and ur team is losing. im pretty confident those invincible br spots and turrets will dominate anyone who moves around the middle of the map. And try taking an overview picture for ur next post.
I like the idea of the map but I think you should take out some of the machine gun turrets. The merging is very clean though and a very good start. But you said this can support MLG? Then I recommend taking out all the turrets and adding BRs.
The looks seem really nice with really clean forging but there are way to many turrets on this map. I think the max of this size should have a max of 2 not 4. This map is NOT MLG because of the SMGs and turrets. can you also put an overview because i would like to see the middle part of the map. I LOL'd when i read this. You are pretty much saying this map is awesome but ill give it a terrible rating XD
Were you joking or what? Im not really sure...... anyways. Would take out ALL of the turrets and make the map more than a ring of boxes around a blank middle. It just concentrates people to hiding in the little turret areas and never really moving around. Not good for fun gameplay. =P
Did anyone notice that every picture shows someone in a bunker or on a turret? I think you could take some shots of people moving around the map and maybe an overview to help understand where everything is. It looks well made, i'll give you that, but it looks overly simplistic and could be improved upon. Keep forging, everything takes practice.