Is a map made for one gametype more fun than a map for all gametypes?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by eating lunch, Aug 4, 2010.


Is a map made for one gametype more fun than a map for all gametypes?

  1. A map made for any gametype allows everyone to play it any way; therefore it is better

  2. A map made for a specific gametype is more fun; therefore it is better

  3. They're about the same; it makes little to no difference

  4. I don't know! I use video games to create art; I just make statues in forge!

  1. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    Is a forged map based on a custom game more fun than a forge map for all gametypes?

    If you don't get what I mean, what two different kinds of maps I'm talking about here, I will break it down more for you.

    Some forge maps are created with a custom gametype, or for a custom gametype that already exists, and for nothing else. Infection maps may be a good example here, since lots of them are somewhat one-way and use rounds in the gametypes to keep the game fun for people. The humans may be in an area that gives them an advantage or disadvantage against the infected zombies. So, if you tried to play a Team Slayer game on one of those types of Infection maps, one team would just destroy the other team because the map was not made for Team Slayer games.

    The other type is like what most of Bungie's maps are like, if not all of them. These maps will play pretty much any gametype. Some gametypes may work better than other gametypes on some maps, but generally all the gametypes will work. For example, Multi-team works pretty good on Isolation (the worst map ever made in video game history!), but would not work that great on High Ground in my opinion. I just think High Ground is set up more for two teams or maybe free for all would work ok. But I just don't think multi-team works that well on High Ground. Even if you disagree here, you get my point.

    So which do you think is more fun to play on?

    A map that is balanced for any kind of game you want to play, or a map that is designed for a specific kind of game to be played on it?

    I've been thinking about this because I have a map idea that was great for Halo 3, especially with the power drain because it was going to take advantage of using a power drain against a Hornet, but the jet packs in Reach are going to dull down the gameplay on my map a little bit I think. Although the people using the jet packs themselves will find that much more fun, but the people in the Falcon will be annoyed probably.

    So I've been thinking about maybe just making my own game up to go along with the map, and orientate the map towards that game. It would still work with other gametypes, but lean towards that specific game, which may leave out jet packs if they turn out to dull down the gameplay like I think they might.

    So would you guys try to make the map's gameplay more interesting by trying to take away people's (including me!) precious jet packs that are so cool and so much fun because they let us fly like superman, or just make the map factoring in people playing it using jet packs?
    #1 eating lunch, Aug 4, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2010
  2. Kyler

    Kyler Forerunner

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    Umm... I'm not really sure what your asking.
    If your asking if you should create a custom gametype for your custom map..... why not? After all, we can have 1000 maps, and 1000 gametypes.
  3. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I think that most maps are made for only one game type and that's alright (and its really the only way some maps work) but if you put enough effort into maps that can play any gametype and the one it was meant to play then that the best type of map.

    But out of been able to play all gametypes or just the one usually just the one is better because there more detailed and work good other than than rough map that plays everything mediocre.
  4. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    I was afraid I couldn't come up with a way to explain what I meant clearly enough.

    1. The Pit vs. Joe's Hallow of Horror zombie map. The Pit can play anything you want it to. But Joe, whoever that guy may be, well he made up a GREAT game and map that work together. But if you try to play something as simple as slayer on his Hallow of Horror map instead of his infection game, then the game won't work right because he made the map to only work with that game he made up. (Joe's not actually real..)

    So would do you think its better to create a map like the Pit for example, that can play pretty much any gametype, or create a map with mainly one kind of game such as an infection variant as an example, in mind, to the point where other games may not even work correctly on that map?

    2. I have an idea for a map centering around the Falcon, assuming the Falcon's characteristics are not dramatically different from the Hornet in Halo 3. But in Halo 3 there were no jet packs, and jet packs will greatly assist players in stopping the Falcon. I'm afraid it will be too easy for them if they use jet packs. So should I make the map designed to compensate for jet packs, in other words any and all game types, or should I just focus on designing it around the ideal game type settings I think would work best for my map idea?

    I'm leaning towards just trying to compensate for the jet packs, because I tend to try to make my maps where people can play what they want to on them. Its a nightmare to me for someone to have downloaded my map, love some game type say KOTH, try to play KOTH on my map, and realize KOTH doesn't work on the map they downloaded from me.

    In fact, if I downloaded my own Falcon map and couldn't use a jet pack on it, I myself would be sad because I had a lot of fun using the jet pack in the Reach beta. So thats why I'm probably just going to compensate for the jet pack somehow I guess.

    I was just curious to see what you guys preferred or would do in my situation; making a map where anything can be played on it, or making a map where one kind of game plays perfect on it.

    Edit: Btw, I totally claim the name Hallow of Horror unless that has already been used by someone! Although, technically, that would be in Halo 3 soooo.... I could still beat you to the name in Reach... lol... (jk I wouldn't do that if someone that had used the name would be annoyed or disapointed from me doing that)
    #4 eating lunch, Aug 4, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2010
  5. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Knowing due to the beta that you can limit what AA you give each side you could always lock out JP. I have several gametype ideas but until i pick up reach and see if the gametype editor is similar (or the same) as Halo3 I am stuck. I myself have an interesting gametype that I would like as Juggernaut but I have a feeling with want if may have to be slayer. Which would suck as I want need to see if like in the beta the juggernaut respawns with the correct loadouts. if so then awsome my Section9/cyborg gametype from Halo3 is reborn better than ever.
  6. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    It all depends, if it's for a custom gametype the that being the only supported is acceptable and other gametypes probably wouldn't be fun. If we're talking a standard competetive map that's only set up for slayer, then it's a waste.
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I don't really understand. If you mean for a minigame map, of course it's not supposed to be set up for slayer, that'd just be silly, but if you make a competitive map, you should make it for every default gametype; or as many as possible, so more people can enjoy it.
  8. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    I agree.

    I heard a guy in the Forge World trailer say most forged maps are for one gametype, so I thought that may be more popular, and I wanted to know the general consensus on here about that.

    I had never thought about it before until I realized my map idea may not play nearly as good in Reach because of the jet packs.

    My tendency has always been to make my competitive maps work with all gametypes, but I was wondering if other people think thats the best way to go.

    Also, I'm not talking about mini-game maps in particular, although they would fit into the type of map that is forged for 1 specific game mainly. The other kind of map would work for any game.

    Here's another explanation of the different types of maps I'm talking about for those that don't get what I mean. Maybe I will choose a better way to explain it this time lol.

    Map type 1: Only plays whatever game it was created to play. Maybe some other games will work on it also, but if they do, its just luck since the map was intended to be used when playing a certain game. If you just try to play a standard game of team slayer on a map of this type, it usually won't work correctly or at all.

    Map type 2: No matter what game you pick to play, you can use this type of map like 98% of the time. You may not be able to race on Epitaph for example, but like 98% of the games you pick can be played on Epitaph.

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