This map was made by Aom Unknown and me(fluffyroks2). (Not really I decided to give him credit because he was there when we were messing around.) It is an infection game called Fire. Zombies objective: Throw fire bomb grenades at the ceiling. Human objective: avoid getting 3rd degree burns. When the zombie spawns they see an empty room in front of them and fire bomb grenades. The zombies must pick up the grenades and throw them at the red arrows on top of them. All humans have red way points above them to make sure the game play is smoother. Map: : Halo 3 File Details Game type: : Halo 3 File Details Pictures: Zombie spawn Human spawn Halo 3 easy bake oven Please DL and give me some feedback. Really guys I'd like some feedback. Please! --- seriously no comments no feedback no nothing I'm really want to know what needs to be improved
Hay I havn't really played the map, but it looks neat and nice. I would download it, but my XBox broke and im planning on getting a slim sometime this week. I hope you keep mapping neat maps, and don't be sad that no one comments, appearently there is only 30 people on this website that come here once a week or something...
If you want to know what to improve, you can do ghost merging or interlocking. And I'm confused, does the fire go through to ceiling or what?
Yes, fire burns through objects. It impacts the ceiling and will damage anyone immediately on the floor of the next level.
I didn't find any reason to ghost merge, on the subject of interlocking i did that with the blue columns and the roof of the complex. fire does indeed burn through the floor of the humans spawn. Thanks for the feed back hope for more but eh what can ya do.