I'm trying to make a custom power-up merge into one of the crypts walls to the point where you cant pick it up, just look at it. I only know how to merge it a little bit, but not enough to where you can't pick it up. If somebody knows how to merge about 75% of it into the wall than please let me know. thanks a lot.
Two ways. Ghost Merging or Interlocking. You can look up guides to these glitches in the Forge 101 section. For the crypt wall, I would ghost merge it. tutorial on youtube. The only difference is when you want the power up set to "never" to disappear, you must get someone else to grab it (not Forge "grab", like get it in player mode). Then just make sure the shiny core isn't showing or else it is grabable.
i thougt ghost merging was not around for that long when mlg was made. how did they do it for mlg amplified since ghost mergeing was not created yet.?
I tried ghost merging it, but it only went in like 25%. Most objects go 50%, thats why im confused. I saw a video one time where the player went outside the map and did it from out there, but I dont remember what all he did.
Try this. Scroll down until you see the video titled 'counter-merging'. That could possibly help you out
That was another glitch called Geo-Merging. It was pretty much a much longer and more difficult way of getting objects to merge into the walls. You could always try this OP, but it would be incredibly hard.