I've learned something Political about forums

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zow Jr, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    This post was made merely to inform and is not meant to flame, troll, or spam on anyone at Forgehub or Forgehub itself. This post is merely expressing an opinion where you can share your ideas about. This post is said in the most formal, non aggressive way possible

    Well I have noticed something when traveling through Forgehub. I noticed it on Xfogery too. Even on non related halo forums this caught my attention. There seems to be a political system going on in some forums. It's sort of a "Popular guy takes the cake" thing. Well as you know (I'm using FH as an example) people post a lot of maps here. But thats where the ugly truth comes out. There are usually three kinds of main people in the forum political system.

    The Head HONCHOS: THe big guys, like admins or mods that run the place. Usually get comments a lot and return them just as often. These guys work hard to ensure that FH is a good environment to post maps and ideas.

    The BIG Shots: These guys were lucky enough to make it big on FH early because of a stroke of luck combined with sheer forging skill. (such as AZN FTW or Rifte Gifle) WHen you think of these guys you usually think about the creations that made em big (eg AZN's COnquest or Gifles Asset Gametype) And this will usually influence the decisions they make on their maps, often mindlessly.

    The LIL Guys: These guys are either new to FH or have been on for a long time and have yet to make something of themselves. These people's forging skills range from average, to great. Their maps and profiles are not as dled and commented on a lot at FH as the Big shots, so it is hard for their popularity to rise.

    When the LIL guys post a map. People will comment and dl accordingly, depending on forging skills. But these maps are eventually forgotten. However when the BIG Shots post a map, whether good or terrible, is dled and commented immediately and quickly. oftentimes raising the dl level to 100 by the end of the day. This results in the LIL guys map oftentimes being overshadowed and over dled by a map by a BIG shots map. The LIL guys map may be good (such as an improvement of problems on a BIG Shots gametype and map) but the BIG shots map, though not as good as the LIL guys map or game. Will overpower it by a mass amount, causing poor LIL guy to quickly have his amazing map forgotten in a matter of a week. It is a gross political system that happens every day on many other forums. It sucks, but it is mostly true.

    Again this post is not meant to flame anyone (especially not rifte or AZN) but merely stating a point about forums and the gross political system in forums. Feel free to post your opinion or comment on this. Please no flaming and no trolling. I simply mean to make a point, not cause trolls to break out in a
    flame war.

    Post script I don't think I should get an infraction for this but If luck fails me I might. But this is a serious thought I pointed out so there should be no evidence to infract me for. ^_^
    #1 Zow Jr, Jul 15, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2010
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Well, everybody knows this. Anybody who has done something worth mentioning will get a ton of veiws, and people will follow everything they do and agree with them a ton. It happens everywhere in life as well, not just forums.

    Although, there are people like me who give everybody a chance and dont distinguish a map from good and bad based on the people who make it. If it is a good map i say so, if it is a bad map i say so, and i have no reason to worry about upsetting the "Big Shots" because i am close to being one myself. The thing is, its the little guys who make the big guys big. So there is not really much you can do about this problem, unless you make it impossible to distinguish between who is good and who is bad, which is just strange.
  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    You might want to get outside and realize that life...is like that. It's not just forging forums, or even the internet as a whole. You learn to live with it, because the only solution that even attempts to solve that is communism, which as we all know...well, it doesn't work out :p

    It's hard to see the bigger picture in general for most things though, especially if you're not up to an age where you're working (making some assumptions here, correct me if I'm wrong), and probably in high school. So, yes, you'd be right. Life is like that, and that's why grabbing at "respect", especially on an internet forum, is so ridiculous. It doesn't end up meaning anything. For me, I think the point of being in an internet community shouldn't be to boost your ego by getting a little attention from other ego-hungry kids over the internet...if you're in a community, it's all about helping out that community and being constructive. That's why I think we've generally been successful at ForgeHub, while I don't see long-term success in other websites.
  4. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I would consider myself as a rather known person here, I am the most active member of testers guild, the only forum I don't regularly post in is GnA, I have quite a few bros here and I would consider my forging skills as below average.
    My two last Maps were Kingdom and Pest, Kingdom is out for over 2 weeks, it has 50 downloads, Pest is out for 1 1/2 months, it has 130. Something is wrong with your theory.

    In my opinion, everyone, no matter who he is, has to proof that he still deserves the attentin and the respect he once gained among the community, popular things are popular for a reason. I don't care who posted a Map, it's about the Map, not the creator
  5. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Exactly. And plus I do get outside a lot (my parents force me too) And I see this a lot. Lol nothing new to you guys. Just kinda venting here
  6. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    You obviously haven't read many of the testers or review hubs reviews :p any I get where you're coming from but you've looked at things the wrong way, usually newer members maps aren't up to par with some of the more well known forgers this usually means that they will be given some advice, sent on their way and most people will no longer need to post on the map thread. The more well know forgers however are known for their maps and since they, for the most part, do thorough map testing they don't need lots of advice on the thread which leaves people more inclined to post on the thread to congratulate them on their map. It's been seen that in the past relatively unknown forgers come to forgehub with remarkable talent in forge and get even more post in their thread because of it but for the most part players that come to forgehub either lack the forging talent initially or the map designing experience to gain many posts.
    Chances are this thread will be locked since it will probably descend into a flame war, or sarge may come along with is infraction-pogostick and infract you (but maybe not, he might be in a good mood :p)

    I want to add in that "IT'S NOT ABOUT THE DOWNLOADS!!!!!!!!!!11!!1!"
  7. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Well I was merely exaggerating my main point.
  8. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    As soon as you work anywhere for more than a year with a structured hierarchy, you'll see real-world examples of such 'politics'.
    For example, even though I work in a department store, I see it. I work with a nice girl, who'll stab you in the back if you give her half the chance, a woman who is completely different to work with than to socialise with (if you get what I mean) and who always brown-noses my supervisor, and my boss is the stickly type who sucks up to the area manager just to justify his presence over the previous manager, who he helped to get forced into retirement.
    So yeah.
  9. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Like I said this is something I've seen in real life a lot. But I just noticed it on forums. I am still generally new to the world of forums. Lol I haven't been living under a rock playin MW2 or nothing.
  10. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
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    I consider my last map, Time Capsule, to have been snubbed forum-wise, and no doubt Restriction will also die away if it hasn't already. It is hard on me not because I need accolades from people or the community, but because I would like to receive equal treatment with other creators.

    I realize that this is not life, as life is unfair, but after putting in hours upon hours into a creation, and I believe coming up with something truly spectacular, people do not seem to notice. The DL counts for me have been fair- Overall I average 100 for nice earlier maps Ive made, 125 for T C, the conquest one, and 39 in 5 days for Restriction, the indoor banshee one, and I guess this is more than I should expect for the dying days of H3C...
  11. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    To quote beefi...

    Anyways... Back on topic...
    As stated many times and as openly known by the OP, this socalled "gross politics" is just real life invading our inturwebz. Do what I do. Be yourself, and if people dun liek it, tell them to leave. If they're one of those socalled "Bigshots", however, it's probably best if you just leave them alone. (This going to every noob that picks a fight with sarge) Also, if the coolest kid in school is having a party at their house and the nerdiest most antisocial kid that nobody knows is having a party at their house, which do you think people will go to? Real life application? I think so.
  12. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    Still, though... You should never be closed towards constructive criticism.
  13. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
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    How else can a forger judge their success if they are not a big shot and very few people comment on it with real feedback besides "looks cool"? DLs I think are a great way to judge success, because every Download is a person who had interest in the map, and wanted to play it. Why else make maps? The point is to share a game. If they play it, you succeeded. If they ignore it or skip it, you failed. I think DLs are the most accurate form of judging success there is. I will still forge if I get 0 DLs, but I want as many as possible for something I am proud of, you know? It takes a lot less time to DL something than to make it...
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Submit it to the tester's guild. They have a review service, and everyone who tests your map will know it quite well, and may download it/keep it.
    Not true. Unfortunately people will download the featured maps and any maps posted by coloured members because a) they have a better reputation/are more popular (this is because they've had 2 featured maps, so their maps HAVE to be good), and/or b) their maps are more advertised. Mods tend to put links in their sigs to their maps, and so do the Premiums. Their reputation prompts people to click said links and subsequently download said map.
    This is all quite generalised, but it's also worth considering that, mods especially, have to regularly deal with people posting threads in the map forums incorrectly/badly. When you post a map title LIKE THIS and then centralise the entire post. After showing a sort-of-walkthrough of the map or whatever, most regulars go on to post "action pics!", and also tend not to include the gametype settings, how the map can't be escaped, how it can't be camped etc. Obviously, the mods will have posted many maps, or seen many bad map posts. Their more "fit for purpose" posts may or may not get them more views/downloads. Just look at X5's Manifest map, "Help's on the way, right?". I'm not saying sttempt to do THAT, but he's made the post as unique as the map. And he still kept it fit for purpose. On the other side of the spectrum, I refuse to read map posts in white (I use oldskool, so I have to highlight the post to read it), and map posts that give a brief (very brief) description of the map, and then show twenty pictures back-to-back, then display the download link.
    You almost make map-making competitive... Yes, I suppose the point of making the map is to share it, but the best map is not the map with the most downloads. You've proved that yourself
    If this is your motivation, then maybe you should focus more on the number of VIEWS your map-post thread has. I can't download anything now because of the 100-custom-content-pieces limit, for example.

    Has anyone made a thread about how to make a god map post? Surely they have...?
  15. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
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    You have a good point EpicFishFingers. I make maps mostly because I like to, but I post maps so that other people can DL them, and enjoy playing them too, all free (the best part of the internet.) That is why I put links in my sig, and why I rave and rant about DL counts, Im not overly competitive (maybe a little ;p) but I really want to share a fun game, and know that many people want to play it.

    Imagine playing a sports game at a stadium, and 2 fans come, vs. 100 fans come or even a thousand. You play the sport because you like it, but it does make a difference if the crowd comes or not.

    If this was a compliment, than thank you very much! if this was a logic twist my head thing, then I dont get it :)
    #15 E inglourious 3, Jul 30, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  16. Hat

    Hat Guest

    I'm not flaming i'm just telling the truth.

    The "Big Shots" have shown their true forging skills and deserve having massive amounts of downloads. The big shots ALL started as little guys and they worked hard enough to become great, but i do agree a little bit. The people that haven't had a feature should be getting more recognition, but they have to prove their skills. This system is great. You earn what you have and it isn't given away just because you are good, but not great. Think about it only about 45 people are premium-architect out of 47,783 people.

    Personally i will only post maps that are made with the best of my skills. NOTHING lower. I want the people of forgehub to see what i have to offer. I would like to think the big shots do the same.
  17. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Right where the text is bolded there you were referring to me. You didn't say it directly, but it's fairly obvious.

    I've been kind and puahed this aside for a while, but I've honestly gotten kind of sick of it now. For weeks you've been commenting on here about how you feel that your Invasion remake is better than Invasion Repel on Reach by JerZ Phenom and I by saying it was incredibly unbalanced, it's not fun, ect. But then when TheSientenal(not sure what his name on FH is, but I know him on xbl)decided he would make maps for the gametype, you said that he should have used your gametype rather than the one Phenom and I made, I facepalmed. I DON'T CARE THAT YOU THINK YOUR MAP IS BETTER. Reach is supoosed to be an aesthetic map at heart, not competitive of the decade. If you think you've made a good map, great. That's no reason to start commenting about how your Invasion is better on every forge site because you're making yourself look moronic.

    Make maps because you enjoy it and you want other people to enjoy it, not for a meaningless number of downloads or posts. You could make a fantastic map and not get 20 downloads but it would still be better than a map that gets 1000 downloads and is terrible in every aspect.

    I wanted to get this out of the way as well because I see "popularity" threads every once in a while and it usually has either AZN or Rifte somewhere in the OP.
    Look at all the stuff I've done over H3's life, all the work spent on maps, meeting new people, making videos to advertise my maps and other peoples maps on Youtube, being active on more than one forge site, ect.
    I didn't become a "BIG shot" from one gametype that suddenly "got lucky" and become popular. This kind of stuff takes time, everyone starts off as the "LIL guy."

    If you're really concerened about popularity here's a tip- if your map doesn't attract the readers attention with something incredibly unique or enticing on the map or map post withing the first ten seconds, they won't bother finish looking. If you look at my fileshare and see how spread out most of the downloads are, it's like that for a reason. A simple rats nest map is usually not going to get as much attention as a ship.

    Yes, I know I sound like an arrogant douche in this post.
  18. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I wonder why I believe Rifte in the above post?
  19. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Haters be hatin'.
  20. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    Wow. I have a confession to make: I'm Jewish too.

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