I've been doing a lot of vector recently and I decided to make an avvy for myself. BT liked it so requested I make one for him, I then went to use that avvy I made him in my own sig. Bit of crit please This is the gold version of the monitor I made for BT. My avatar My sig Thanks
The sig could use some color, and I'd make his eye lighter than the rest of his shell. The avatar is perfect, though.
I keep a minimalistic style in all my graphics -.- That is why I use plain colours unless the image itself is something colourful. The monitor in halo is bland, so I made the colour scheme in the sig bland. But I did at the gold light behind the monitor to add a bit of colour and to make the monitor stand out from the rest. Thanks for the feedback
I understand what style you're going for, I just think that some colorful details would look good. Like some thin blue or yellow lines on his shell, and if his eye was a little lighter, it would stand out a little more; provide some contrast, you know? Happy vectoring.
Ahah, okay I see. I will keep that in mind. I'm gonna start doing some big vectorizing soon. I used to do it quite well in photoshop with the brush tool, but it will look a lot damn better in illustrator. I'm guessing you do vector by the looks of your sig?
Yes, I've done my fair share of vectoring/vexeling. I haven't really done any artsy stuff lately, though. Mostly posters and brochures from last semester. Illustrator seems to handle vectoring in a smoother way, but that's what the software is for. When it comes to sigs and fun experimenting, I'll use Photoshop's pen tool. For larger pieces and print work, I prefer Illustrator. And how did you use the brush tool for vectoring? lol
I'm always impressed with vector work, because I can't do it in the least Perhaps, just throwing out ideas here, you could add some textures to your signature? That, and use the sharpen blur tool to create some depth between the layers.
Ahah yes, it was a technique where I just used the brush colour to go over an areas average colour, I actually had some really stunning designs, I will PM you them sometime unless you want to search through some of my very old posts -.- Good to know I literally produced the whole signature in illustrator and the rasterized tools in there are limited. I guess I could just port it too a PSD file and work from there, but I no longer like photoshop.
This is actually kinda cool. Recently I've been doing a lot more vector stuff, too. Maybe I should consider using Illustrator for that...
K, wont be today deffo lmao :S o.o It's just not dynamic enough for me. Cool, yeah you should. It's a really cool style of graphics and illustrator just beasts photoshops ass.
Lol use flash. . The avatars look good but Im not digging the sig. The background is shmexy but the monitor is to dark. Try sticking the gold monitor in there and see what it looks like.
Why would I use a program which is not specifically designed to design vector in? -.- Also noted, I should have made it a bit lighter, I agree.