^That But it does still look awesome! And if that is a civillian vehicle than sure the mongoose is aswell. This seems to have more armour than the 'goose anyway.
i reckon the jeep will be available in spire and campaign, but nothing else. im pretty sure however that the civillian vehicles are all in firefight too so, jeepy and forky can splatter hunters and stuff. btw, that jeep has a seated in the back right? i think it may be designed as a turretless warthog for three kinda thing
Are you serious? Nobody I know drives a forklift around on the streets and it's still considered a civilian vehicle. Next time try not to be such an asshole.
dont get angry ctw, hes just making a joke. anyway both of you are wrong, by civilian, it means a vehicle that at least some civillians use, ie forky in a factory
i agree, but back on topic, i think it may be unsc. if it is, it will basically be a three seat mongoose. does anywone know a map where you CAN forge civillian vehicles though. im getting the impression theyre limited to ff and campaign
All I did was state my opinion, and I'm graced with some guy trying to be funny telling me (And I quote) Really, how is it so obvious? All we have is two screenshots of it being shown in campaign and it's so blatantly obvious that it's military issue. Well excuse me. Perhaps if he had stated it a bit nicer I wouldn't have gotten so angry and would have gladly accepted his opinion.
From the coloring, I'd say its military issue. I bet it will be on boneyard in MP, parked somewhere inconspicuous like. Hope its in forgeworld, Though i am more hoping for the transport hog.....
Looks like a civilian vehicle to me... although I would love for it to be UNSC. Or I wouldn't mind them having it be civilian as long as they included civilian vehicles in Forge World and more MP.