Edit: SOTW 66 Entry I incorporated parts of my Reach sig into this one because I thought it flowed well. It came out a bit more hectic than I'd like, but I'm still a bit rusty. It looks better on a light background by itself because t looks more chaotic when it's right next to my Reach one. It's been far too long, but I felt like I needed to make a sig for these new forums. Inspired by Japanese artist Tadahiro Uesugi. Thank you. Bungie Screenshot
Your focal is too small and is very poorly defined. Depth is horrible, work on lighting. The effects are cool but are poorly executed. Work on overall atmosphere and colors as well.
You can disagree all you want. I said what I had to say. I gave you balanced cnc, he gave you absolute bullshit spam k thnx bye
Flame-prevention post: Cool it. Also, very cool effects, but like EGP said, it's very simple and lacking in depth. You might want to check out some tutorials, or just put a bit more time into figuring out the intricacies of your program for your self.
Hey, I added my SOTW 66 entry. What do you folks think? And thanks, RightSideTheory. I've been eying that Resources sticky but haven't used it yet.
My thoughts: - Better use of effects - Blur the lightsaber, it stands out more than needed. - His left hand (right in our view) just looks weird. Your style is interesting, but try doing a non-cluttered sig. We'll see if it looks good.