This is a race map that i made within 8 hours. it has several jumps and is very exciting.hope you have a lot of fun with it. link here: : Halo 3 File Details
I downloaded your map and I actually really liked it (Though you do need to post pics). It was pretty smooth but some of the turns were sort of sharp. I dont really know what you were going for here, what type of racetrack is this? And HatofWin, try to be nicer to people, all of your critisicm is very harsh and from your posts you look like you are huge asshole. Go easier on people.
I downloaded it and its pritty fun 3.5/5 but you need pics...Here is a tutorial here _________________________________________________________________________HAPPY FORGING
thank you --- happy? --- this racetrack is just to race with your buddies. and some points its supposed to be a bit difficult but overall just have fun with it. thanx. --- thank you 4 the tutorial.