Hi there, I'm new here. I noticed that some members have cool sigs that change when you roll your mouse over them. I searched, but only found Noxi's thread showing off his colored boxes and I didn't want to bump the thread. Thank you.
[mouseoverimage=http://i724.photobucket.com/albums/ww244/TheeOrlando/Attempt-forestsigsanstext.jpg]http://i724.photobucket.com/albums/ww244/TheeOrlando/Signaturecopy.jpg[/mouseoverimage] Quote me and you can see the code I think.
I just figured it out by testing with the Forgehub banner and Bloo Jay's avatar. All is well. Is it possible to have the image change into something different each time you roll over, like Noxi's boxes when they change into a variety of colors?
I asked him the very same thing, and it was made like that through a signature randomizer. This is how mine does the same.
Oh, thanks. By the way, a couple of your sigs ran out of Photobucket bandwidth apparently. Why do you have that "Loberg" thing with the smiley?