My Official Mini Competition

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Eftz3, Aug 1, 2010.

  1. Eftz3

    Eftz3 Forerunner

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    Alrighty, Time for Part 2. After much trolling, a bungie weekly update, a vacation, and much thought here is my thoughts on how my Mini Competition will work.

    It is still 45 days before Reach comes out. But I figured I would give the Forgehub community a notice. Since, if your like me I won't be checking Forge Hub the day when Reach Comes out. On my last post it was just a thought, now this competition is in the Idea/going to happen stages.


    • *This is a competition, not a contest. In this Mini Competition there will be no prizes. :(
    • Maps can be made on any map. This should not be a problem since DLC probably won't come out till past December.
    • -Custom gametypes are welcome, infact I would rather play on a map that is in a custom gametype than having in be breakable.
    • *Firefight forging has not been confirmed or disproven, however unlikely. So no firefight maps (if it is possible)

    • You can start submitting you maps the first day Reach comes out, this will give you more points.
    • Maps will be given points more by aesthetics than for gameplay. Reason being is that testing is a big part of most maps, and if they aren't tested then well, its not fun.
    • I would like to post the scores of each submission, if you do not want you maps scores posted please put it in you submission.
    • I would like to have a scoring sheet to go by which will be posted on this thread.

    • This Map must be made in Reach.
    • All map submissions must be in September 25th, Midnight. This will be factored in the scoring, the further the map is submitted past the starting date the less points it will get.
    • -Secret submission will be availible.
    • -Forgehub thread required.

    *= Subject to change
    -= More information later

    This will be updated, and the Thread itself is not complete. I have to go, till nest time.
  2. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ummm... You do know this thread will get like no publicity and will die out by reach, right? You should of posted this when reach comes out. I will try to participate though so see ya there...
  3. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    You'll have to do some major maths when this happens.

    If it were me, I'd go about it like this. There are 12 days in this contest (the 14th through the 25th). I'd divide 1 into 12 parts (.083, .166, .25, ect.) and that will be the multiplier for how late it is.

    Example: if something is posted on the 20th (that would make it the seventh day of the competition, and you give it a score of 65 out of 100, then 1 / 12 X 7 X 65 = 37.91.

    If you didn't want the time limit to be so harsh, you could divide 12 by 2 instead of 1.

    Example: 2 / 12 X 7 X 65 = 75.83.

    I hope I make sense. Anyway, the reason I'm rambling is because you're going to have to figure out a way to score the maps without being biased on the timer. I know I would be!
  4. Eftz3

    Eftz3 Forerunner

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    Yes, I see what you mean. I was trying to think of a way to do the scoring while still being fair to both people who got their map in on the first day and people who put it in on the last day. I was thinking a score out of 1000, then so many of the points would be from the day you put them in. However, if I can't do it this way than I will certainly put to use your scoring method.

    This post is intended to be part 2 of 3. I at this point am missing a few thing for this post and there will probably be another 2 posts besides the final. One for sure will be me trying to find a group of people that would be willing to play these maps
  5. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Why would we lose points for spending a longer time on our map? Wouldn't you award a map more points for having more time spent towards it? I see so many flawes in this competition. First of all, most forgers on Forge Hub would most likely wait a couple weeks before starting any serious projects because we're dealing with a brand new forge here. Great forgers take the time to get used to the mechanics of a new system, they don't just use the new forge to whip something up within a day.
  6. Eftz3

    Eftz3 Forerunner

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    I believe you had commented on my first post saying this was a bad Idea, and I realized that it didn't have to be a good Idea. I noticed that there were a lot of rookie forgers who probably had never won a competition on forgehub, and thought this would give them a chance. Also, in my first post, I said that this competition was going to run for the first 24 hours or so of reach and then end. Now, its the first week and a half. This gives players time to take a look at all the new objects. If you don't like it don't participate.

    P.S. No need to be a troll, have a nice day
  7. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    The competition isn't about creating a great map. It's about creating the best map that you can being given limited knowledge and time. It's like "Make as many smores as you can in 60 seconds, go!". The smores will look awfully deformed and sometimes broken altogether, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a fun competition.

    To take the metaphor further, if we wanted to give the smore-builders optional time to take the stress off, we'd have to put a handicap on the score or else it wouldn't be fair. The first guy makes 10 smores in 60 seconds. The second guy makes 15 smores in an hour. Do the math.

    Eftz3, If I were hosting it, I'd try to ignore what date the map was made on until after I scored it. I'd probably download maps in batches so that I'd forget when they were submitted when I'm knocking them down in Halo: Reach's lobby.

    Also, I would post two threads on September 14th. One would be the submission thread and the other, the comments thread.
    #7 frog on stilts, Aug 2, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2010
  8. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    I'll give it a try, I will also help test the maps.
  9. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    I'm in. I already know what map I want to do anyway (and like 80 freaking more....) so once I get Reach when I get home from work I'm jumping straight into the forge world and start building. It'll help with the drive to keep building it if things get tough and I find difficulties in my now 3/4th completed design (which I know there will be 'how come this which looked like a 20x10 block is actually 8x2??' I can see it now). Also it's a chance to see if the map other than it's aesthetic value is worth as a playable game map.
  10. Eftz3

    Eftz3 Forerunner

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    Alright, I finally got the scoring done. and will post it sometime withing the next few days.

    Also, to those of you who are will to help me play and score the maps: You must realize that you can play, but can't give suggestions to the score.

    Please give me a time zone and times you are usually avaible so we can work something out.
    FR me : Eftz3

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