Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Random1, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    ^Awesome! This almost confirms that Banshees can hover, because the wings in the original photo are different, they're aimed upwards. They're not likely doing aerial maneuvers, because there's no trail behind them! This likely means hovering Banshees!
  2. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Are you talking about when the guy is flying the banshee and attacking the warthog?
  3. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    I actually really like the beta's Banshee, as far as looks go. Also, OP, you're spelling/grammar is slightly obnoxious.
  4. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    Yes. It looks very simialr or the same as the Banshee from the Picture

    FPS SKITTLES Forerunner

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    I doubt that they would change the banshee THAT much but u might be right bcuz it might be anentirely differnt vehicle! :D
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    @ Random1:
    I actually cannot understand most of what you say so I will henceforth ignore you.

    After a closer look at the picture it appears the banshees merely have their wings tilted like canards, but the shape appears the same.
  7. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    I'm really sorry to everyone who doesn't understand my writing. I was in a rush at the time. As you will see, my writing is usually normal. apart from the usual spelling mistake or grammatical error (mostly because i cant be bothered to correct them), my writing is ok. sorry for the confusion. also, my ee is broken so it doesnt work unless i press it properly so hence the "sheeeeeeee"
    my riting will
    But honestly, what do u (I'm not gonna stop saying u btw) guys think of the whole weapon swap thing for the new banshee (IE: Instead of firing ur fuel rod via the beat down button, u alternate your weapon with Y). I think it really weakens the Banshee and has changed it from a bit OP to way UP. I think that if the Banshee is going to have the new button map, it should have a much faster firing fuel rod gun and a stronger plasma turret. Either that or they should make it able to withstand more hits
    To reiterate, if the nerf either the defence of offence, they should buff its counterpart.
    I also like the bulky new look of the banshee, but I dislike that they have removed the bulbous part on the tip of each wing and exposed the grey parts of the vehicle. It makes it look less sleek and aerodynamic, which is the reccuring theme of the vehicle.
    And finally, I hope very much that the banshee CANNOT hover, as one of the bashees weaknesses was easy boarding when low to the ground, and, in firing at the ground, it is forced to face in that direction. This gave drivers the choice to either attempt a splatter or turn around, leaving the attacked time to recharge health and run to cover. With the inclusion of hover, driver will be able to fly high in the air where they cannot be boarded, and rain down death on the people below. This would render falcons helpless as they cannot face up or down, and render the holders of the core and flag in objective levels dead men within seconds.
    See, I can write normally. Sorry for confusion or irritation caused by my writing.
    @Pyro: Good luck with that
    Oh wait, u can't understand me..................
    #27 Random1, Aug 5, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2010
  8. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Ancient

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    i think it looks better then it did in halo 3
  9. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    If it has y to alternate, what is the problem with holding the trigger and double tapping y? Gives a constant stream while flipping every now and then to fuel rods...
    And I am with random on the aspect of I hope it can't hover. That is what made the hornet unique...
  10. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    wow, i didnt know that worked, sounds like a pretty good idea. how did you work it out stouf
    i really like that they got rid of the hornet though. they both basically functioned the same. I think that the falcon, because it has side gunners and altitude lock, and cannot fire on its own, will play out some really good dogfights against the banshee. its gonna be weird trying to adapt to the whole side facing thing you're gonna have to do in the falcon to aid the fire of your gunmen. it will be wierd that you wont be able to just fly straight into enemies like you could with the hornet.
    Does the banshee have any more tricks it can perform, or is it still the three?
    And does anyone know if the falcon can splatter?

    PS: I'm gonna change the op :)
    PPS: It's now called the flying vehicle discussion thread. Cos, though it's mainly about banshees, this also means we can discuss its relation to the falcon.
    #30 Random1, Aug 5, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2010
  11. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    I believe that the "Press Y to switch to Fuel Rod" is to balance the fact the the Fuel Rod's power has been increased.
  12. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    It doesn't make a difference if you change the subject of the OP. You need a mod to change the thread.
    And I don't know if that strategy worked, I never really use the banshee anyways and I don't think I ever used it in Reach Beta... I just am assuming since there isn't really a gap in that plan...
    And I still hope that with the falcon you can do what Grif and I once discovered that creates an unstoppable aerial machine. (I ripped off a turret and literally jumped on top of the hornet. We destroyed until a rocket hit us, in which case I only fell without damage and killed the rocketeer.) How awesome would it be to have 3 guns with one facing forward!
  13. Security

    Security Ancient
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    What happens when you run out of ammo?
  14. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Well seeing as we did this on avalanche, I think there was only one time I needed to get more ammo (usually it ended with me falling off or jumping to kill the tank) and we just went to the other ledge...
  15. Security

    Security Ancient
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    If you tried that in the Falcon you'd get chopped up by the rotor blades. (I wish)
  16. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    i always do that on avalanche multi flag ctf, i have two gunner and me, and my friend "surfs" on top until we get to the flag and then surfs back. the extra firepower is really great. im gonna do that with the falcon on spire when collecting the elite core.
    u can also do that really well on choppers and tanks. however, the latter makes for an easy splaser killtac. i find it really wierd though that a plane is the vehicle that can carry the most people, not a tank. then again, i guess a plane can avoid a splaser more effectively.
    also, do you think think the p launcher will be too strong in relation to a falcon, due to the fact that a full burst would both be almost unavoidable therefore more effective than the splaser?

    POCHATKA Forerunner

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    This is indeed troubling (the Plasma Launcher VS. Falcon...) Since the Falcon (if it is similar to the Hornet) won't be able to change directions in mid air very quickly it seems the Plasma Launcher will pulverize it... also making the Spartan Laser kind of useless. In fact, it seems the Plasma Launcher make the Spartan Laser useless in all vehicular terms, and certain troop terms. I hope they don't make the effective range of the Launcher too good...
  18. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Oh thank god they are nerfing the laser. I ****in hate that weapon.
  19. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    I don't see what is problem, but oh well.

    In relation to the Banshee, this rally seems changed... a lot... a whole lot. I mean I thought it was a new vehicle at first. Honestly I hope they don't wind up nerfing the banshee cus the falcon will totally blow it to smithereens if they do. Is it going to hover? 1337! It would make for better air strikes indeed On an unrelated note I hope if they make the cartridge for the Laser (my favorite weapon for obvious reasons) a small 4 rounds like in the beta then I hope they make the stream more accurate and slightly bigger, I hated the Beta laser cuz the beam was too small and way to hard to aim.
    #39 Zow Jr, Aug 6, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2010
  20. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    Basic banshee is still being murdered to the falcon so if anything they would increase the damage given by it's guns I would think. As for the falcon with rockets and plasma launcher it's a flying Killtacular. 2 gunners one pilot and two passangers. and damned if I know the speed of it but from the looks it's a slow sonovabitch.

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