HERE is a tutorial on how to embed your pictures. There shouldn't be any more comments about his pictures.
It looks nice, Could maybe play well, I would like to see a little more interloxing/geomerging. I believe the only thing interocked/geomerged is the fence box in the room. If you read my previous post then I am sorry. I misjudged. It doesn't look very good still. It's a lot of empty space. It has some boxes and stuff but thats it. 2.67/5
Well I had no money left at all, so I couldn't fill in the empty space, and there are more things geomerged, like the vehicle base at the human base. Are you watching the final version (at the end of part 2)?
Yeah, I watched it. But, I still think there should be more stuff. Interlocking/Geomerging helps the flow of the map and makes it look better.
OK I payed very close attention to the videos. Here's a question is this a random weapon spawn arena map. I hope it is. Because this seems like it could possibly be Human v Covies. But I have a lot to say about this map and I will probably post the nicest version of the most common criticisms on this map out of anyone (I almost guaranty it) (P.S. I am taking deep breaths to keep from outbursts about the removed AR frustration) Ok So first of all, where is the cover. This map has absolutely no cover other than the places you get extra weapons from (which seem very campable) Another thing, there are only one of each weapon in the armories, which is hindering because someone might not get a weapon. Plus the weapons on the map are kind of overpowering. Regarding the looks this map looks like you spent some time neatening up everything, but thats pretty much all that looks better about it. It seems as though you put no effort into making this map look even remotely good, save for maybe two weapon spawns. Gameplay will obviously not be very fun as with the addition of the sniper (for one side might i add) and the removal of the ARs the maps gameplay will be very not fun and spawn campable because of the ability to get back out of the map. OK main changes needs cover, less power weapons, weapons spread out more, blocked entry into the starting armory, cover, better aesthetics, Cover, No campable turrets, cover, possible additon of AR ammo in the human armory and a sniper for the covies, and oh dont forget, cover. overall 3.5/10 Sorry is neat but not very thought out unless it is gonna be an arena map.
I'm done with this map anyway, so I'll get to forging things that don't take me a year to make to get horrible reviews anyway. I'm not spending any longer on this map. ALL OF YOU WILL BE AMAZED BY MY NEXT MAP.