In the new previe by IGN, featured on the bungie website it shows gameplay from the new maps. Something caught me though.... The map Zealot has a Low Gravity area on top of the map whereyes things are low gravity.... This map could be used to make awesome versions of jenga.... and multiple mini-games. What minigame ideas do you have for this map? I have an idea where people will shoot rockets at you and you must bounce them back by firing your focus rifle. With the low gravity it would make it more possible to shoot it if it does slow down rockets be fired down.... I don't mean the jump height ETC just the fact that we may be able to make objects fall slower, other than your character....
It's interesting to have the different levels of gravity on the same map, but if you're just interested in using the low gravity part of the map, you can use any map, and just edit the gravity in game settings.
Do we know for sure that this new low gravity area effects objects besides ourselves? Anyways, what if we created a game type where the gravity's low, the jump heights high, and the players start out in this low gravity area. I wonder if it would be possible to make absolute 0 gravity so that when the players jump they just keep going upwards until they hit the barrier. I'm not quite sure if Jenga would be any fun with low gravity because I've never played Jenga in space, but I'm sure we could come up with a ton of creative mini-games up in space. I'd prefer to forge on the ground level in Forge World though.
The only reason you'd have to use this map for low gravity is if you wanted two different levels of gravity that you can switch between... unless those gravity barriers could possible be placed in forge. If you wanted low gravity, you could just change the gametype
I see what you mean, but obviously others don't. I think that it would make a great jenga gt. But wouldn't it also be easy to get back on the map?
That's what I was thinking some kind of area that will effect gravity or traits. (that's what I'm wanting but I doubt it)
wonder how it will be if we use custom games options to turn the gravity to 50% and then make a map in the low g area. thats gonna take a long time to get down again.
This is what I was thinking. I've actually seen a few other people (not on FH) talking about how they're so pumped for an area with low G. They apparently didn't realize that in H3 you could change the gravity settings.
lol exactly. Having said that though, having the transition from normal gravity to low gravity in the same game is going to be fun.
but thats just player gravity. people are speculating that it affects other things on that map, such as how fast rockets travel.
I actually think it might be possible to change gravity within a map. Watch at 4:57 YouTube - Halo: Reach ViDoc - Forge World‎ Watch at 4:57
I'll probably make a map within a map on Zeolot where it shifts gravity unexpectedly when entering another half of the map. I don't mean entering through a mancannon, I'd probably make it where they just walk into the low G zone.