This looks UNSC issued with its green palate, independent suspension, and plate armor. I think this dismisses the fact that it could be a civilian vehicle. Looks like we may be getting some sort of middle ground between the Mongoose and the Warthog. I hope this is available in multiplayer and isn't campaign specific! This would be great as a prop for machinima, level themes, or even as just another option for custom games and forge. *fingers crossed*
Wow! Haven't seen that one before. Looks promising! Would love to have some more vehicles in multiplayer...
It looks a bit too much like a civilian vehicle to me. I'm betting it's not gonna make an appearance in MP.
Yeah my mom drives us to soccer practice in a lifted Jeep with wheel guards, a wench, and a medal grate in the back for Fido. Oh wait that's her "other car". The one she uses to mow down n00bs and take her girl friends on recon missions with. In all seriousness though, that is obviously military issue.
I would have to place my bet on some type of building vehicle. For use in construction of buildings, or even transporting a small payload of material to and from bases.
only the true "attack" vehicles are in forgeworld. forky is available in powerhouse however and i assume some of these new civillian vehicles will be available in spire and possible boneyard
Like the pick up already seen and most of them futuristic vehicles you find on Red Faction G, they look heavy set as if the world they are on are rugged. While yes it's UNSC green it still to me seems rather civilian. I'd claim it a civilian jeep that they 'borrowed' from the city (it's owner either dead or offworld in evacuations) to head towards a military base and the rest of their squad. Hell I don't know.
Yes, I am aware, who's to say this isn't a transport vehicle of some kind? It looks perfect for transport, load it up, drive real fast, running over anything in your way, breaking it's knee caps.
It would be nice to have in forge but not in matchmaking. Similar to the flame grenade in Halo 3. But that truck looks so fun to be able to run people over with ^_^
Epic. It would be epic if the invading team gets in the jeep, and runs over the enemies, then as they near the objective the power slide into another enemy. They get out and the driver just says in a low voice *Tango Down*. Lol It looks smhehxy, I want! I haz sum ideas for this! 0_o
I found this i think its the same vehicle but a differnt angle IGN: Halo: Reach Screenshots (X360) Full Size 3275530
I'm not sure if this is the same vehicle but it looks close enough that we can assume it is the same. If so, the vehicle appears to be called the "Spade" (the back left has a sign saying spade)
It indeed is because, I studied this picture long and hard(enter: thats what she said joke here)and i focused my attention on the wheels,They have the same colors as the first pic in this thread. AND if u look REALLY closely u can see the front wheel protectors(little shield things infront of the front wheels) So i am almost 100% sure its the same unless someone can see any differences in the pic! ACORDING to the rear bumper this vehicle is called :The spade or:Spade
It all really depends how Bungie classifies it as a civilian or military vehicle, Bungie said all military vehicles will be on Forgeworld. Hope it's military! This picture is the same type of vehicle and it looks like a campaign version of boneyard style of level: This looks like a different version possibly a civilian version :O! (or just an early model)