Hey guys, i have seen allot of racing maps in the past but no gameplay so i have decided to start a sub community on forgehub called H3RL(halo 3 racing league) Where tournaments will be held and sessions for people to try out People's new maps and have at least 4-8 people playing. I need a couple of people to reply with your answer of taking part, heres the form example, copy it and change the information into your reply, please don't quote this message. f-Hub username: lolzors123 Xbox live Gamertag: lolliepopsarecool Reason for wanting to participate: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.......(200 characters minimum) Number of race maps: 200 Timezone: gmt+10(different for every country(if you don't know Google it)) Heroic map pack: yes or no Legendary map pack: yes or no Well thats the form as i said before copy out the form i typed into a reply and change the red text into your own information. There will be no prizes in tournements, just fun and some pain...... Thanks for reading and think before posting vampireB34N
f-Hub username: a dumb cat Xbox live Gamertag: a dumb cat Reason for wanting to participate: First! Sounds fun, I love Rocket Race and racing in general. Count me in. Number of race maps: 1 Timezone: gmt (-8) Heroic map pack: yes Legendary map pack: yes
f-Hub username: Super Solider77 Xbox live Gamertag: Super Solider77 Reason for wanting to participate: I love racing things, infact I was going to do this but didn't have good enough racing maps to do so. Number of race maps: 0 Timezone: Pacific Heroic map pack: Yes Legendary map pack: Yes
f-Hub username: MLGLR playahater Xbox live Gamertag: MLGLR playahata Reason for wanting to participate: I really like racing even from halo 2 those mods i had were super duper fun i cant wait to participate. Number of race maps: 3 Timezone: East Coast GMT -5 Heroic map pack: yes Legendary map pack: yes
f-Hub username: xxAl Capwnagexx Xbox live Gamertag: Villain92 (subject to change-GT up in 2 weeks and I will be getting a new one) Reason for wanting to participate:For the racing of course! Number of race maps: 0 Timezone: East Coast GMT -5 Heroic map pack: yes Legendary map pack: yes So...when do we RACE
f-Hub username:heelflip360 Xbox live Gamertag: heelflip360 Reason for wanting to participate:Sounds extremely fun and I love racing! Number of race maps: 3 or 4 Timezone: GMT -5 Heroic map pack: yes Legendary map pack: yes
f-Hub username: PureCallum Xbox live Gamertag: PureCallum Reason for wanting to participate: I want to race people and it sounds like heaps of fun Number of race maps: 2 Timezone: gmt+9:30 Heroic map pack: yes Legendary map pack: yes
Thanks guys, ill make another post on disscussion and ill add some of the people participating, I'll ask then add leader roles to the people i think are most trustworthy(if they can add people and organise races etc for the map pack) because i dont have an xbox hardrive.......... cant afford one at the moment but ill get one soon, there will be a points system: Race win 1st = +2 points Race win 2nd = +1 point Race lose = -1 point(very last place) There will be a chance of getting your race map, on the front page of h3rl board, in disscussion, so people can find it more easily and........MORE DOWNLOADS!, thats an upcoming points system that will be running straight after i get it going(H3RL) Thanks guys
f-Hub username: Duderdas Xbox live Gamertag: Duderdas Reason for wanting to participate: I am an avid racer, I like organized races and I hope to be able enjoy your company in some races. BTW why 200 character min... it's not the lengh of something it's the meaning/quality. Number of race maps: 10-20 Timezone: Eastern Heroic map pack: yes Legendary map pack: yes
f-Hub username: Security77 Xbox live Gamertag: Security77 Reason for wanting to participate: I love racing and race maps. Number of race maps: 0 Timezone: EST (-5) Heroic map pack: yes Legendary map pack: yes
If your trying to make a group that will function and work you could at least make a good OP so that it seems more professionalized.
This isn't technically the OP, Y35. This is just the sign up thread. This is the real thread. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/9279-h3rl-halo-3-racing-league.html
Forgehub user-name:jose9442 Xbox live Gamertagrestige9442 Reason for wanting to participate:I love to race in halo and i am addicted to it. and ive been tryin to find people to race with Number of race maps: 0 Timezone: GMT Heroic map pack: yes Legendary map pack: yes