I'm determined to finish this last map. I've not been able to finish a map for months..over a year. This is my last chance before REACH comes. So I'm going to update the map in my signature, which in itself, was an update to a foundry custom game. This time though, it's going to be orgasmic. I'm going to make it a bowl, the toilet will actually look like a toilet, and the zombies will come up through a pipe like real plumbing. I need help though. If anyone has any idea a practical way for me to construct a bowl other than ghost merging things and hoping I align it perfect, help and support will be appreciated. If you are interested in helping as in a semi-partnership, contact my yahoo (not email, a message, even though it may say I'm offline, it's on my phone).
Ah ok I did something similar and turned out quite nicely. What you need to do is use bracing, ghost merging and the 'save and quit' method... A LOT. Use stairs and wall corners to get the upward angles on the pieces right. What I mean: Place a stair against a flat wall. DO ghost mergy but dont glitch the object you want to place yet. Place the object against the wall on top of the stairs. Glitch it to recieve 'no clip' object. Place at location. Repeat with different angles and rotations. Hope that helps a bit.
Place a circular respawn area to keep it circular. Use a second controller if you have one to view an object from diffident locations to align it. Ghost merging is probably the only way to complete this before reach. That's all the advice I have.