Fraction // Sandbox Variant // Symmetrical map // 2-6 players // By el marko93 Fraction is a great symmetrical map created with perfectly forged edges crating a clean professional map. The layout of the map allows both close quarters and long distance combat on a relatively small map. The size of the map is a key feature to its brilliance, as the map is ideal for playing matches with fiends on split screen or just smaller matches online. Too big maps is a problem on halo as were often just searching for ages to find our friends/enemies and end up admittedly screen watching to locate the other players, fraction cleverly stops this completely. There is plenty cover in the map so you aren’t always out in the open but an enemy is never far and this makes hugely more intense gameplay on smaller matches. The map is set for all gametypes and actually works very well on all except infection which I would recommend playing on other maps (Checkout my map Darksands) but can also still be played on the map. All other slayer and objective games are great on Fraction whether you are just playing for fun or competitively. The layout as said above is perfectly symmetrical; on a diagonal line so what is in one corner on one side will be the exact opposite in the opposition’s side. In the centre is a raised walkway, underneath is a good amount of cover and an overshield, above is the rocket launcher spawn (Not at start, 90 seconds, only 2 shots). Each side has a raised base/ box area, the box is fully sealed other than the entrance along the side and two wall slits allowing players to shoot in and out of the boxes. The base is great for sniping across the map and obviously plays an important role in objective games. I put this map under the competitive map area as I feel it serves a great purpose for our split screen and 1v1/ 2v2/ 3v3 matches on and offline. However it is great fun for the same games just for fun and less competitive matches. So for anyone who plays smaller matches (2-6 players) I seriously recommend this map and hope you enjoy the map Thanks a lot El marko93 Download to Halo 3 YouTube- Fraction Brilliant Symmetrical Halo 3 Map HD Here's the weapons: (feel free to edit the weapons for your own personal custom games) Click here to download to Halo 3 _________________________________________________ Map created by el marko93™ Thanks to bungie and forgehub Thanks to everyone who's downloading my maps
The map is very clean and looks great. but the original design seems...boring and uninteresting. You didn't really add alot to make it more interesitng. Just a square arena. It also seems too open which would lead to spawn killing. Overall, the map is very clean, but mroe could have been done with the map.
Thanks for your comment, I agree that map is just an arena with a simple design however this was necessary to keep it small. I like the fact that it is open as you will find in any map sandbox, foundry, avalanche, guardian etc there are areas which don't have cover. I wanted to capture this by keeping some open spaces in the map however the central walkway, bases and other walls add a good amount of cover throughout the map. The gaps of cover are between the walkway and the bases but this is crucial for capture the flag and objective maps to stop players simply running across and scoring, especially as this map is short. This allowed me to incorporate both "close quarters and long range/ open combat" Spawn killing is certainly something i needed to avoid on such a large map, the large majority of spawns are under full cover and many you want see on the pictures i have shown, there are spawns in the box/bases, and underneath the ramps of the entrance ans walkway in the centre. The open spawns you can see above the centre of the box ramps on either side are set for 3rd team and 4th team and these provide spawn positions away from the other start spawns. As their are plenty of spans and 6 or under players you will always have a good spawn away from threat but close enough to the action to keep you immersed in the game. Also I couldn't add anything else because I used up the maximum object amount because despite the small size of the map I used alot of merging to create a flawless finish and I also set the map for all game types together these used up the object maximum bungie set. el marko93
I like how you didn't use any boxes for this, you used only walls. Though I like it, double walls make terrible floors in the skybubble. There were a couple of floor pieces that stuck out underneath the walkway, thus making the player bounce while walking around. Another "flaw" I saw was that the blue side's box/base had a wall-slit that was upside down. I don't know if it was intentional or not but I like it, I think you should make either red's base have a flipped one or fix blue's. Overall I think the map is small but cool. 4/5
Thanks a lot, I have made substantial changes to the map including flattening the floors, rotating the slit wall that was the wrong way round and i've also added more weapons and spawns/ spawn areas (symmetrical games) where necessary. If you downloaded the original version I suggest you update this with the new one thanks again for your suggestions and comments. el marko93
With the sniper in a nice nest in the back of the map and ppeople always right in front of u thru that convenient window, i dont see any reason to leave that base... also when people move onto a teams side to plant a bomb or grab a flag, where is the team going to spawn? Either right in front of them or right behind them. thats bad. overall good idea for the map, i'd just leave out a feew of those powerups. idk why everyone thinks that every map needs 2 snipes, a rocket, and an overshield.
very nice post first off, the map looks very clean, smooth and well made, however it looks wideopen with not a lot of cover, the layout is nice but lacks original structures
Thanks and yep i know its lacking cover, I released a new version with plenty more cover, im hopefully gunna upload photos later --- You cant camp because whilst your looking out the window someone can come up behind you, snipe you from the other side, stick you with a frag or just shoot you with rocket launcher or other weapon, if that wasn't true then loads of maps including sandbox, Valhalla and narrows would have the same problem. You can try to stop people running to your side of the map but you wont stop it and that is the challenge of the game, no challenge = no game. There are spawns throughout the map and spawn areas for symmetrical gametypes ensuring the other team don't spawn on your side etc. I've completed a new version of this map which perfected the forging and also added more spawns and more cover in several places of the map. Also the central walkway acts as great cover from the boxes/bases at either end, and from there its not difficult to duck and weave the full way. if there was cover the whole way capture the flag and assault would be pointless, as the ma is relativity short its important there are some open spaces. I've changed a few of the weapons in the layout, the snipers and rocket remain as they were which are although somewhat standard to halo maps they are the perfect combination especially for this map. If you would prefer a sword, shotgun or whatever be my guest, you can customise the weapon layout and play it with your friends how you want, but i've played about 20 matches online and everyone seems to love the weapons layout. I will get photos of the new version asap but here's the changes: - More Cover - Opened up inside of box/ base - Better walls around map - Better spawns - Better weapons layout and timings - More spawns on game types - Spawn areas for symmetrical games - Replaced spike grenades with plasma grenades (only one type of grenade on map) - Flattened wall doubles on floor to make map smoother - Included 1 bubble shields at either sid --- Thanks for all your comments and suggestions, I listened to them all and here's the proof version 2.0 ! Pictures and map both up, the video will be out as soon as I get more render minutes, hope you like the map. Let me know el marko93