Seeing as how we will be Forging in Halo: Reach, I made a tutorial for anyone who needs some advice on how to progress their Forging project from planning to publishing. It is fully compatible with any site (As long as the site doesn't use a completely black skin) as it is transparent: Version 1.1 (8/3/10): Minor grammar fix Constructive criticism would be appreciated. *If any tutorial similar to this has been made before, I was not aware **This is just visual help for anyone wanting to keep track of their progress and make sure that they are not missing any important factors for making a map
I haven't read it completely yet, (I will) but first thing I notice, KILL the arrow behind the step titles. Move it, kill it, I don't care, but it looks awful where it's currently at. I'll edit after reading. Edit: Seems a bit vague.. I agree those are the four most important steps, however, they don't go into any great detail about anything really. I could name off a few things to extend thought about, but It's 2:59am and I have to get up early. If no one has touched upon this tomorrow I'll go into greater detail.
I'm not sure what your trying to accomplish with this, maybe help some people who are new at forge with some basic tips? A few lines of text would suffice for that. As for what it actually says that may be one way of making a map but not everyone does it that way or will want to do it that way. Example: I make maps I think of a idea go into forge test out anything that may be a problem then if everything works make the roughest map possible to see if I have enough objects then I remake it neatly piece by piece then looks for anyways to improve it then keep remaking it neater and upgrading it till its done. Then publish it with a few pictures not "as many as possible" 1000's of pictures of every part of the map in different angles is annoying and waste of time. It's quality not quantity.
Its simple, we planned, executed, tested, and published our maps like this in Halo 3. When Reach comes out, this is how we will plan, execute, test, and publish our maps *in Halo Reach. *See the difference??? lol jk...
Exactly, it isn't different from what we've been doing for the past two years. Here's the thing though, to forge you really don't need to plan or test the map, those are two entirely different things. Rename this "The Four Steps to Forge A Successful Map" or something. Forge is just a word in the dictionary, and an editing tool that Bungie included in Halo 3 and the upcoming Halo: Reach. To "Forge" all we have to do is stick Halo: Reach into our Xbox, and start a game of forge. You don't have to plan a map, you don't have to test a map, and you don't even have to publish the map. The arrow is also bothering me too... Get rid of that.
Why else would you go into Forge? The only serious reason would be to make a map, which is why this was made. And obviously being posted in a forum called "ForgeHub" would tell you what this guide was planning for you to do. Sure, you don't have to, but it's your map and it will probably lack because you missed very essential steps. Oh, and the arrow signifies progress. I don't really think it gets in the way, it's just a transparent line.
About the arrow, I'm aware that it's meant for to show progress, that's quite obvious really, however, it's terrible graphic design to have it placed where it is currently located. Moving it above or below would make this look much more professional.
I think one trait that really helps if you wanna forge is the ability to visualize the map before you start building. It's like with drawling a picture. It's nice if you can have an image in your head of what you're making. It's easy for some of us but for others not so much. One of my friends can't do this so he is always just winging it when he goes to build a map.