Introduction TheFerociousOne's intro...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheFerociousOne, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. TheFerociousOne

    TheFerociousOne Forerunner

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    Hey everyone! My Username is TheFerociousOne and I actually had the intellegence of coming up with the name by myself. At least it's better then BananaMonkey32654732 (stupid Xbox Live, putting 350 digits after the name as a suggestion). Anyways, my real name is Mattias Rosell... Something Americans can't pronounce correctly, but it's strikingly familiar with the name Matt Russel, so just call me Matt or whatever instead.

    I'm a guy from Sweden who loves video games, creating maps and much more in that sector. Before I had my beloved 360 I made maps to Counter-Strike and Half-Life 2. Both multiplayer and campaign which was hellafun even though my maps wasn't released online for anyone else to play. I loved Forge from the first time I saw it. People have done some amazing things in Forge that I will never be able to accomplish! Haven't made that many maps myself due to the clumpsy system and my lack of patience.

    So what do I think about Halo Reach... OMG WTF BBQ LOL ROFL!!! It's gonna be f*cking sweet! Finally I can make those maps that I thought would be stuck in my desk drawer forever. I already have some ideas and can't wait to build them all in Forge World! I will probably create serious maps, maps that makes any gametype both fun and playable. Slayer KOTH, CTF, all of it... I would love to have some friends to playtest the maps and figure out what needs to be changed in order to make this possible...

    So that's me, must say what this is really familiar with L337 Commando's introduction. Even our bithdays is similar. I'm on the 12th of september and he's on the 14th (Feels familiar?). His introduction is great by the way!

    Yea, so would love to hear from some of you. I'm also wrighting down a list with games I currently play and love! Peace!

    -Red Dead Redemption
    -Halo 3 (and a bit ODST)
    -GTA IV (Liberty City Stories also)
    -Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
    #1 TheFerociousOne, Aug 3, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2010
  2. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey TF1. Have fun round here.

    Swedish people are cool. Hi cool person.

    People who like Reach are awesome. Hi awesome person.

    People who play CoD6 are a bit iffy. Hi iffy person.

    I don't really like CoD
  3. TheFerociousOne

    TheFerociousOne Forerunner

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    Hey you! Okay people who play COD is a bit iffy. But I've grown tired of that game now. And when Reach comes out... Well... You won't se me playing that game anymore!

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