Photoshop CS4, actually. Not really, notice the close attention to the length of his arms and legs being almost the same. Because it is a piece of art that I have made that I want comments and criticism given to.
what is the point of this forum. also how come RightSideTheory said said that he keeps deleting my posts when i just ask if there was an artisitc reason for the stick figures skin color cuz in one picture it is black and in the next one it is white. i just wanted to ask that simple question but he keeps deleting it.
The point of this forum as a whole is to talk about topics pertaining to Bugnie's Halo 3. This Subforum is for "graphics and arts", as in the the creation, discussion, and competition between pieces of art designed or created by the members here. I deleted your posts, because I believe you to be a troll, and you asking "Is there a reason why his skin is black." Is pretty obviously a troll statement. I asked you nicely about this in Vm's where you agreed to what I was saying, but then turn right around and complain about me in here.