Yea its almost a month till reach comes out...and i know for sure they'll have infection on it but i already have a good map planned out for forge world. If you'd maybe like to help i really will, but if you'd like to send me a friend request and tell me. thnkx Gt:MLG Rivals
I don't understand what your asking. You might want to look Here if your looking for people to forge with in Reach. Or Here If you want people to test your already made map in halo 3.
I'll forge with you guys too. Lol we could have a 3way party!(loooolololololololollolollololololololololololo) GT: IxFlashPointxI
I can help I was going to forge with these guys anyways to help em out... Ihazchezburger is my GT Also we can have 4play BTW i have a high pitched voice yet I'm older than hat....