Foundry Simon Says

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Doodot, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. Doodot

    Doodot Forerunner

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    This is just a fun simple map that me and my friend Penguin Swee made, it's a bunch of fun and you can have lots of great laughs over it. What happens is Simon spawns in a little room where he goes through the teleporter to torture the poor humans, with a game of Simon Says! The humans meanwhile spawn in cages with a hole in the roof which they just cant reach, I wonder what that's for? For 2-9 people any more and it wont work. All the people need to have mics (or they can be a guest and have the other person they playing with say it for them) and need to be people you trust so they wont start saying stupid stuff like "Kill yourself". Now for the pics's!

    This is the overview, the humans cages are to the right and Simon's "fun area" is to the left.
    Simon s spawn, teleporter to the "fun area" is straight ahead.
    Human spawn (cages) shield doors in-between so Simon doesn't get to "two birds with one stone". There are 8 cages.
    Simon's "fun area", teleporter at the far side which is where he comer through and his "stones" along the front.

    Have fun! Gametype link
    Map link
    #1 Doodot, Aug 2, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2010
  2. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

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    I'm not sure I completely understand this gametype, but I have a feeling the entire thing relies on honor rule. Does simon go to the cages and kill trapped players and leave? does he become trapped as well? I think this map might need a little more description.

    Edit: I didn't see the fusion coils before so now it makes more sense.
    #2 patrickcanttype, Aug 2, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2010
  3. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    It's cool but there isn't much aesthetiucs to it. You should try to put a giant man where simon stands at, other than that very original. Only bad thing is that everyone needs a mic... Also its eight players max if no two people are on the same console because you can't here simon from far away out of the party.

    Patrick he saysSimon says and the people must do it if they don't you fire a fusion coil at them, also if you say for someone to do something without saying simon says you kill them, very simple
    #3 SenorFluffyBuns, Aug 2, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2010
  4. Doodot

    Doodot Forerunner

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    I know there isn't much aesthetics to it, that's because I made it aaaages ago. And we didn't really bother with how it looked and only on how it played. It is kinda annoying that everyone needs mics but its the only way to play it unfortunately. Patrick have you never played Simon Says before? Its very simple....
  5. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    +1 to the map. I love it. As far as I know, flawless. Maybe not aesthetic, but no gameplay flaws so far.
  6. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Forerunner

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    Could you upload some pictures of people playing it? I'm not too sure what I'm looking at to be honest.
  7. Doodot

    Doodot Forerunner

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    Right seeing as though a lot of you are getting confused (I don't know how!) Ill rephrase it for you:
    If your the zombie (Simon)
    Step 1: When you spawn go through the teleporter in front of you. (see picture 2)
    Step 2: When you go through the teleporter you will appear on the platform. (see picture 4)
    Step 3: Start telling all your prisoners what to do either saying "Simon say e.g jump twice" or just "e.g jump twice" if they jump when you say Simon says they got it right but if they didn't you get to push a fusion coil along the front of you platform into a man-cannon and it will fly through the roof of there cage killing them. But when you don't say Simon Says just the action and they do it, kill them if they don't there safe... for now! That's basically how to play as the zombie/Simon.
    If your a human (prisoner)
    Step 1: you will spawn in a cage with Simon's platform above you and all you doomed friends either side of you, wait for Simon to come. (see picture 3)
    Step 2: when Simon comes through obey his commands until you eventually screw up and get disposed of or the round ends. It can't get any simpler then that and if you don't understand it, SEEK HELP!
    @Prosper thanks I'm glad you like it!
    @Sparky I hope I still don't need to go to the trouble of making more pictures so you can understand it, I know it may be a bit confusing to see from the pictures but I took them ages ago and I didn't see the need to make any more.

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