I plan on creating a series of campaign style custom games twisting the invasion gametype to my own devilish means. It will entail Spartans trying to get to an extraction point while Elites try to kill them in any way possible, basically.
Im thinkin an epically long map, but in every stage the attackers have a slight advantage so most of the time they can get to the extraction thing, but that stage will be even
whoa... suddenly my idea of scarab invasion CAN be made... by ME!!! Not to mention a invasion for my Yamato remake!!!! This is SWEET! Bungie I had lost faith in thee but you hath gained it back two fold.
I've got a few plans for some Invasion maps, but what I am most waiting for is changing some of the Boneyard invasion weapons. Think of what could happen if you added a Falcon, or changed the weapons to only Rocket Launchers and Plasma Launchers. I think it would be pretty interesting to see what would happen. One of my ideas for my own custom maps, is maybe a map where the Spartans have to activate a couple of generators to escape in Falcons. Maybe an infection-esque map where the Elites are 'Alien Zombies'
I just realized that the Prison maps can use invasion as part of their lock up mechanism. One escaped convict, a few guards, and many angry prisoners itching to get out of the slammers and fight their way to the key for the ticket out of the joint. or Prison break. The convicts are trying to get out. if they are killed they are locked up behind the bars untill one of their buddies busts them free again. also. I could see Invasion as some sort of bank heist role play as well. You and your buddies wanna knock over the New Mombasa National Bank and you need to get past security, the system and take the goods before the cops show up. Man invasion when you think of it differently has SO many uses.
A D-day map with invasion is gunna kick so much ass it's unbelievable! The possibilities seem endless at the moment, god damn hype!
Indeed hype is boiling my mind as well. As for D-day invasion if you need help with the map I'd be more than interested in it. perhaps some of my map ideas can work with this.