Something Ironic About Forge These Days

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by jameslieb1, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Okay guys, earlier today I was thinking about Forge, and I noticed it's the way Forge maps are judged these days is very strange. I'll explain.

    So, usually in games, glitches are discouraged, right? If you glitch, you are often considered a cheater and other negative things. But in Forge, maps get higher praise when they do use glitches like interlocking and ghost-merging.

    When Bungie made Forge, they didn't intend for all the glitches to be there. So if you think about it, it's kind of weird how in Halo 3 your maps are considered better if you do glitch instead of building it normally.

  2. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Wow. I never thought of it.

    Glitches often benefit the player though, so why they're even looked upon negatively in the first place is odd aswell.
  3. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Because, it's using tricks in the game that weren't intended to be there when the game was made. So, in a way, it's cheating.
  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    You are a genius, and definitely the first person to ever realize that.
  5. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

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    I thought of this before, but its not really cheating because when it comes to gameplay, it doesn't give the player an advantage. The only real advantage this glitch gives is one that allows players to make better maps. And I think the community is all for that.
  6. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    Uh, does this even matter anymore? Come September 14th, glitches are gonna become a lot less important to Forge...
  7. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    /sarcasm. In case you didnt pick up on that. But it is true, its been like that for the majority of forges life lol. Its pretty amusing.
    #7 Jex Yoyo, Aug 2, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2010
  8. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    anything about Reach forge in this? no? Then goodbye.
  9. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Calm down guys it's just something I noticed about Forge and wanted to ask for your opinion about. Just because Reach is coming out soon doesn't mean Halo 3 Forge doesn't exist anymore.

    #9 jameslieb1, Aug 2, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2010
  10. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Meh. Glitches and cheats should be judged by their results rather than their status as glitches. In this case the result is you can stick a block in a place it isn't meant to go but the game doesn't mind rendering. Scary stuff.
  11. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    You could say that the BR in halo 3 was a glitch Bungie didn't intend on the BR been the Best gun to beat every other gun.
    And people who use the BR and get a higher k/d spread get praised.

    Glitch's are kinda a popularity contest if the vast majority like the glitch it's alright to use it and you will be praised, If vast majority of people don't like it you considered a cheater and other negative things.
    #11 WWWilliam, Aug 3, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2010
  12. Eftz3

    Eftz3 Forerunner

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    I realized this a while ago, when I first started forging. I also figured out why your statement is true during this time.

    Glitches are looked upon negatively when - In Multiplayer :host bridging, lagswitching, inside/outside maps, skyboxes, etc. This takes away from people who want to have fun and/or people who want to use legitimate skill to rank up.

    Player Vs A.I. - (doesn't apply to Halo 3, but does to ODST) **** Zombies was one of these (really bad), mostly invisible walls glitches, but also outside of maps, and skyboxes. Using these, people would boost themselves up the leaderboards, and others would get angry because they did theirs legitimately.

    Both of these come to mind the most, and mostly from my CoD days. But in Forge your are given the tools to make a map/maps, when you put objects together the don't always appear the way you want them to. This also prevents the flow of a map, which takes away from gameplay, and players also get stuck and are sometimes able to get outside of the map.

    This is where the merging and interlocking comes in, if maps wheren't merged there is a possibility that the bumps in the map can take away from gameplay. But if a map is merged (which is a glitch) it doesn't take away from actual gameplay
  13. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Ahah, I never really thought of it that way. TBH, your looking as glitching as a whole. I used to glitch in campaign with friends and find some amazing glitches, I mean there is a whole forum dedicated to glitching in Halo, it's actually kinda fun looking for them. The type of glitching that you will be used to is the abusive glitches, these are the ones that make it unfair for other players, such as exploits and disadvantaging your own team etc. You just looked at that and thought that was glitching as a whole, it's not.

    People don't look at forge glitching negatively because tbh, they don't classify it as a glitch, they classify it as a trick. In reality it is a glitch and was not intended, but the vast majority of people don't think about whether it was intended and as such, they call it a trick and don't think negatively upon it.

    Personally, I think it is a glitch and is disadvantaging, but not gameplay wise, map quality wise. But I don't think it is a bad thing.
  14. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Usually, when one person gives a complement to another person on the internet, you can interpret it as sarcasm.
  15. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    Surely glitches are only negative when its used in competition purposes. Forge is a solo thing so glitching has no negative effect on a nother person.
  16. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    what does this thread have to do with halo reach forge? This belongs in Halo 3 Forge Discussion.

    but anyway I don't think it is that big of a deal because making good maps does nothing to you're rank or stats so it wouldn't be considered cheating beacuse what would you be cheating at?
  17. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Why is this is the Reach section? Request move.
    #17 x DREAM 76 x, Aug 3, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2010
  18. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Moved to Halo 3 Forge Discussion.
  19. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    I wouldn't really classify them as 'glitches' more like, a new approach to forge. One that was unexpected and couldn't be predicted by Bungie. You can't really look at a 'glitch' in Forge and have a negative opinion, if anything it's encouraged to find new, innovative ways to do something. Just a thought.
  20. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Ghost Merging is a glitch, Interlocking and Merging are not. They stemmed directly from the object properties programed by Bungie. People get praise for making their maps look better. In the past people who used ghost merging were shunned compared to those who did it the hard way.

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