Author: AceOfSpades Map Name: Cadecus Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Medium Player Count: 4-12 Supported Gametypes: Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, Slayer, Team Slayer __________________________________________________ "Cooling plants such as this are slowly being unearthed." Description Welcome to Cadecus. Cadecus is a unique map, as it is built going across the main level of Sandbox. In that sense, the map is asymmetric and plays asymmetrically. On the other hand, if you were to treat Cadecus as a regular main level map, it is symmetric, and plays symmetrically. Confusing? Good. Now Cadecus plays asymmetrically for One Flag games, with the attacking team spawning in the blue base on one side of the map, and the defending team spawning in the red base on the opposite side of the map. However, for King of the Hill and Team Slayer games, each team will spawn under one of the Rocket Launcher-housing side arms, thus making the map play symmetrically. Follow me? Supported Gametypes Cadecus plays well with 4 to 12 players. It can play small 2v2 games, big 6v6 games, and hectic 2v2v2v2 Multi-Team games. Tools of Destruction [name] - [# on map] - [respawn time] - [spare clips] Battle Rifle - 6 - 10 - 2 Plasma Pistol - 1 - 90 - - Plasma Rifle - 2 - 45 - - Carbine - 2 - 30 - 2 Needler - 2 - 120 - 1 Brute Shot - 2 - 120 - 2 Rocket Launcher - 2 - 180 - 1 Frag Grenades - 4 - 10 - - Plasma Grenades - 8 - 45 - - Power Drain - 1 - 150 - - Trip Mine - 1 - 150 - - Active Camo - 1 - 120 - - Mongoose - 1 - 90 - - Ghost - 1 - 180 - - Map Images Download Cadecus
Agree with these two guys. Freaking add me back on your friends list, Ace. And I'll join to play. The map does kindaaaaaa look like Multicog, but I suppose that's the curse of making a good BTB map.
Dude, I really like this map. We really need to play it some more before Reach. If you're in the games please remind me to load this up. . . . Sorry this isn't much of a review, I need to get a couple more games on here before my opinion become somewhat educated.
I definitly see some Multicog inspiration in there. And Spades, this was definitly no dissipointed in comparison to those two maps. It looks super clean and neat and a very interesting look to the map. I will be sure to give it a play through!
This looks like a very well put together map, and you must have put a lot of effort into the layout and aesthetics, so great job. I just have one question though. I want to know why in your center octagon thingy, where you have four windows, your one picture makes it look like the windows are made out of two wall halves, and the other makes it look like they are made out of a single wall half and one wall quarter. Was this intended, or what?
Im overly critical, so true to form: I noticed while playing 1-flag that people tend to head straight for the lift, but by the end of the game people began to search for alternate routes. This was because the team on defense just camped the base to kill people lifting. That said, the map is clean, and I enjoyed the game. Well done.
This map looks amazing. Very smooth and well Forged. I hope i can have a play through with some ppl on it. Nondual, we need to play on this map soon. Anyway, i let you know what i think when i play it. Visually- 8.5/10
Ace never disapoints. And he's not about to start now. This looks simply amazing Ace, I'm glad to see everyones dishing out their last maps which can make for some fun customs before Reach. I'll try to get a lobby with this, and get back to you on gameplay even though I'm sure it's superb.