Containment NAME: Containment TYPE: Flow TECHS: Wire DESCRIPTION: Containment is a switch that traps players who are tempted into it by the custom power-up. At first the path is open and getting the power-up seems easy. However, once a player ventures deep enough into the trap they activate a wire that deploys a dumpster blockade and crushes all hopes of escape. NOTES: The pictures below were taken with fence walls on one side to allow you to see the inter-workings of the switch. At first the dumpster is held up by a gravity lift to its side where it settles. After 10 sec. a man cannon spawns above the dumpster but doesn't affect it. When a player enter to get the custom power-up the step on the pallets below and activate the wire, closing the tunnel with the dumpster. Download Containment Here
Well, this looks nice.. I suppose I could download it. As for the duplicate thread thing, maybe you clicked submit twice if it didn't load instantly..?
correct me if im wrong or anything but the power up moves the barricades which move the dumpster right? so what does the grav lift do?
Power-up doesn't do anything but lure the player inside. there are pallets below the bridge which are stepped on and touch the barriers, which touch the dumpster. The gravity lift is holding the dumpster in the air until it is bumped. Without the gravity lift the dumpster would fall right from the beginning.
oh ok i must bethinking of somthing else but would it still be possible to set it off with the power up anyways?
Yes it would be. If you had the power-up touching the pallets behind the wall you could have the player trap them self by getting the power-up not just venturing into the trap.