A lot of you may have a heard of the Regeneration Gametypes. For those who haven't, here is quick description: The Regeneration gametypes all revolve around stealing other players shields by shooting them, then using your acquired shielding to gain time in/with a bonus zone/objective which will slowly deplete your shields. For more information see the Regeneration Gametypes Official Release Thread. What I am asking to you guys, the forgehub community, is any ideas you can think of for this project when Halo: Reach comes out, as well as whether or not you guys think we should continue this project into Halo: Reach. When Reach comes out, anyone can make a map for these gametypes. Just let either me or Steve 11thSelby know first and we will be more than willing to help you out.
I think you should continue this. It is a very unique and fun game to play. I have thought how you could do this in Reach and the only problem I have come across is that the Spartans health. Unless you can make it so they can steal health, when they have no shields, that might be the only problem.
It could work, and I really hope that it does, but with all the changes, do you think it'd actually be possible? Evem with all those new, snazzy custom game settings, it going to be pretty hard to set up. But, because I want to see it continued, I hit "Yes". Also, that banner looks sick.
Yeah the only problem I think we will have is the health. Im sure steve will be able to find a way to set it all up, I hope so because they really are fun gametypes to play.
No, regeneration is a very cool idea but after a while when you get 2x overshield the match is in your favor. The enemy can really do much unless they assassinate or double team them. Its cool but very one-sided halfway through the game.
Im going to have to respectfully disagree. I have gotten up to 3x overshield in a match(actually like one of the first testing games this happened) and the only way this happens is A) You have a good weapon(I had needler which wrecked) or B) The other team just is not that great. Either way it comes down to the other team's fault. They are either lower in skill or not getting to the power weapons or custom power ups. I only played the team version so I can't say anything about the slayer versions. After that statement I think you can guess that I am going to have to say yes. Keep it up Steve and Crypto.
BRAINSTORM: Why is health needed? The CP settings will recharge both shields and health and if possibly the health can recharge but the shields cannot. Even better, if theres and option to disable health all together but keep shields. We will see when Reach comes out. Also loving the support guys!
I love these gametypes so much, but the one thing that would make me like it even more would be to make it a Covy gametype, with all loadouts having the Evade armour ability (but different choices of weapons). All other AA's will not work quite as well in my opinion and would depend on which map is being played. I would also love to see Regen on default maps, not just forgeworld . also im sure there wont be a problem setting it up. Perhaps it will be even easier than it was in halo 3, and maybe steve will be able to make it more like he originally had in mind before he had to make changes to compensate for the limited game settings on halo 3.
Oh put for respawn traits set it for slow shield recharge so we can have mild amounts of shields, it might make me want to play it again...
Hey crypto, I just made a competitive map and I wanted to see how it would work for regen slayer, if you could give me some tips online or see if you would think it would be good for it that would be awesome. It is also not very big so I don't know how well it will work out.
Umm...what do you mean? I should be online this weekend so I can take a look. Ill also send through some info on what is needed in your map to be compatible for Regen gametypes.
So does this work off of the shield vampirism option? I would like to play this with sometime. Who are some people I could add on xbl to start playing this and Conquest with? They both sound like fun games that aren't in matchmaking...
You could try set up some "Rustoms" in the customs lobby, just post that you want to play the gametype and display what maps / gametypes you'll be playing. Just make sure you give people a few days in advance to let you know they'll be playing or not.. I tend to struggle to get people together these days but i'm trying to test Regen Zones as well if you're up for that? On topic: This thread seems to be working well, a lot of people are putting some good points forward. The health is my biggest concern but it'll depend on HOW much damage you can take when you have no shields. As for Armor Abilities, I was thinking Evade, Sprint and the new hologram. Jet packs may be a bit of a ballache, but we'll see how things go.
With the masses of new custom game options theres going to be a way to get it working. Also yeah. Jetpacks would be heaps unbalanced. Evade, hologram and sprint should work well as they are more defensive AAs. Imagine your on 4x overshields and the WHOOSH out comes a replica of you with the same amount of shields. Lol, that would be awesome. Also I still havnt gotten a game with Regen Zones!
I havent either really mate... It's something i knocked together as a test really for Reach. With there being more options, Zones will be alot more effective. At the moment it's just something new to play i guess.