I' like to show off some great screenshots of a new firefight map for Halo Reach, but note this is a bit of a spoiler! Edit: sorry the original pic links were broken Fixed link: Screenshot - ComputerAndVideoGames.com Tell me what you guys think! Edit 02: The Plot? Notice in this image... ...that in the location indicator, it says "ONI road", but a covenant gun is shown. Could this mean that somewhere one this level there is a ONI building which the Covenant have already invaded? New civilians! Discuss...
I fixed the link. Enjoy. --- Also, flip through the screenshots and you notice the new civilians' looks and the Moas'.
I've seen the level before I dunno where or when but not from that angle, Still can't wait to play it and some of the other levels. You might wanna add some thing to discuss about this picture or level or find more info to make this thread more interesting Here's the pic you can copy paste to the OP if you want.
I'm digging that Covy level. All we've seen so far for FF are human based levels so its a nice change.
It could mean that if you look around even a little you would notice that the Covies are your allies in this and you have the Elite's HUD. Guess what? The elites spawn with elite weapons lol.
Nice find. I love how the civilian looks very detailed. They gave him unique clothing instead of the generic stuff, which, in my opinion, will add to some of the immersion in the campaign.
It's a new game mode called Versus Firefight; a 2v2 game where you need to outscore the other team when it's your turn to be the spartan. Spartans try to get as many points as possible killing the covies(they have a set amount of lives) while the elite team has to try and stop the spartans from killing the covenant forces.
Indeed, kinda like L4D, sounds really fun. It's a real pity that Firefight isn't Forgeable now it's versus, being able to combinine Versus Firefight and the idea of progressional custom maps like Manifest or Cave Freaks and making it actually like L4D would be awesome. Shame it won't be possible, hopefully something else in the new custom options will help expand these linear custom variants, infection safe zones sound promising. The first thing I thought when I saw Forge World was that now it'd actually be possible to try and make something close to a full length campaign experience for multiplayer.
I believe the firefight map is pulled from the second mission in campaign, But with the time of day changed.